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This project shows several animations:

  • Stepper animation - Card that will flip right or left depending on where you tap
  • Heart animation - Heart jumping animation with shadow
  • Progress animation - Standard progress animations with 3 dots
  • Wave animation - Recording button with infinite waves
Jan 26, 2022

This is a library which show how to use Woocommerce using OAuth 1.0a "one-legged" authentication(HTTP).

Nov 5, 2016

Audio recorder (Voice recorder, Sound recorder) - an open source application makes an easy audio recording experience. App optimized for the fastest start as possible and helps not to miss important sound for the user.


  • Recording audio
  • Playback records
  • Select recording format AAC or WAV
  • Set sample rate and bitrate
  • Record and Playback in background
  • Display record waveform
  • Rename record
  • Share record
  • Import audio files
  • Records list
  • Add the selected record to bookmarks
  • Delete all records from settings
  • Colored themes
Feb 19, 2019

A less buggier and customizable way to handle URLs in TextViews.

Oct 4, 2016

Every major open-source project has its own style guide: a set of conventions (sometimes arbitrary) about how to write code for that project. It is much easier to understand a large codebase when all the code in it is in a consistent style.

"Style" covers a lot of ground, from "use camelCase for variable names" to "never use global variables" to "never use exceptions." This project holds the style guidelines we use for Google code. If you are modifying a project that originated at Google, you may be pointed to this page to see the style guides that apply to that project.

Nov 12, 2014

JavaCPP provides efficient access to native C++ inside Java, not unlike the way some C/C++ compilers interact with assembly language. No need to invent new languages such as with SWIG, SIP, C++/CLI, Cython, or RPython as required by cppyy. Instead, it exploits the syntactic and semantic similarities between Java and C++. Under the hood, it uses JNI, so it works with all implementations of Java SE, in addition to Android, Avian, and RoboVM (instructions).

Feb 7, 2015

The Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) serves as a simple facade or abstraction for various logging frameworks (e.g. java.util.logging, logback, log4j) allowing the end user to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment time.

Jul 5, 2014

When your users want to get from one location to another, don’t push them out of your application into a generic map application. Instead, keep them engaged with your application 100% of the time with in-app turn-by-turn navigation.

The Mapbox Navigation SDK is a precise and flexible platform which contains logic needed to get timed navigation instructions and enables your users to explore the world's streets. We are designing new maps specifically for navigation that highlight traffic conditions and helpful landmarks. The calculations use the user's current location and compare it to the current route that the user's traversing to provide critical information at any given moment.

Sep 25, 2018

Easy check permission library for Android Marshmallow.

Mar 4, 2016

A logger with a small, extensible API which provides utility on top of Android's normal Log class.

Jul 5, 2014

Kotlin wrapper for the qBittorrent Web API using Ktor.


  • Two modules: client contains all the HTTP code, models contains only the serializable data models
  • Automatic authentication handling when interacting with the API
  • Coroutine Flow APIs wrapping the syncing endpoints
Jan 12, 2022

An eventbus library for android, simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc.

Feb 3, 2015

Plugin generates common github links (like repository, issues, vcs etc) for project and configures common plugins. The main intention is to remove boilerplate and simplify project configuration.

Dec 30, 2017

A simple material design app intro with cool animations and a simple API.

Feb 27, 2016

LocationPicker is a simple and easy to use library that can be integrated into your project. The project is build with androidx. All libraries and APIs used in the project are up-to-date as of now You can get latitude, longitude and full address for selected location Please follow below instruction to know how to use it in your project


  • Search any location using Google Places Library
  • Pick any location from the map
  • Open the picked location on Google Maps
  • Search the Direction to the picked location from current location (using Google Maps)
Jul 6, 2019

RapidJSON is a JSON parser and generator for C++. It was inspired by RapidXml.


  • Small but complete. It supports both SAX and DOM style API.
  • Fast. Its performance can be comparable to strlen().
  • Self-contained. It does not depend on external libraries.
  • Memory friendly. Each JSON value occupies exactly 16/20 bytes.
  • Unicode friendly.
Nov 10, 2014

A plugin for Kotlin generate Kotlin data class code from a json string.

Oct 14, 2017

View SQLite file online.

Sep 16, 2015

Simple Android app for scanning and retaining barcodes.

Oct 10, 2016

Jsonsurfer is dedicated in processing big and complicated json data with three major features.

Mar 31, 2017

Uber like polyline animation in google map.

Jan 5, 2019

MaterialStoryView is an Android library for implementing a story carousel, similar to those found on social networks like Instagram and Facebook. This library makes it easy to add a story viewing component to your Android application, allowing for quick and simple integration.

Mar 6, 2024

A modular object storage framework for Kotlin multiplatform projects.

Mar 12, 2024

An Android library that helps you check the state of your network, if it is either available, lost, unavailable and also check the reach-ability of your network when your server is either down or your ISP is connected but no data subscription.

Mar 13, 2024

JavaCV uses wrappers from the JavaCPP Presets of commonly used libraries by researchers in the field of computer vision, and provides utility classes to make their functionality easier to use on the Java platform, including Android.

Jul 5, 2014

Chameleoen deals with the Status of RecyclerView

Apr 12, 2018

android-beacon-library is an Android library providing APIs to interact with beacons.

Feb 11, 2015

Stand-alone data-binding module designed as a light-weight (and -featured) alternative to jackson-databind: will only deal with "Maps, Lists, Strings, wrappers and Java Beans.

Jul 5, 2014

High-performance JSON processor.

Jul 5, 2014

Gson is a Java library that can be used to convert Java Objects into their JSON representation. It can also be used to convert a JSON string to an equivalent Java object.

Jul 5, 2014