IntelliJ iDEA / Android Studio plugin for Android projects using the Paparazzi library that allows recording, verifying and viewing the snapshots within the IDE.
Avocado is a plugin that uses alexjlockwood/avocado line tool (similar to svgo) that optimizes Android VectorDrawable (VD) and AnimatedVectorDrawable (AVD) xml files.
IntelliJ iDEA plugin to work with Java/Kotlin projects using Dagger 2 library.
IntelliJ iDEA plugin to work with projects (Java and Kotlin) using greenrobot's EventBus library.
Intellij / Android Studio plugin that creates state machine diagram from state machine
A command line tool to install and uninstall icons from into Android Studio projects. Written in Kotlin.
This plugin allows to:
Android studio and IntelliJ IDEA plugin that replaces default icons with drawables previews inside project view.
Intellij Idea, Android Studio plugin.
Plugin generates Kotlin data classes from JSON text. It can find inner classes in nested JSON. You can disable undesirable fields in class, change field name, set it type to optional, specify default value and add annotations for popular json libraries.
Kotlin completion plugin for IntelliJ & Android Studio.
This is an Android Studio template for MVP; the template is inspired by google samples / android architecture.
Important: The main goal of this template is to speed up the development process using android mvp template. This is just a template, so feel free to make changes according to your needs. It also shows how to create a set of files using template files in Android Studio.
A plugin for Kotlin generate Kotlin data class code from a json string.
This is an IntelliJ/Android Studio IDE plugin to detect the code with @Experimental and @Beta annotations and show a custom icon on the gutter when you use it.
OkHttpParamsGet helps you to get Okhttp request params.
Dr.Vector automatically process the vector drawable file - it converts all float numbers declared without 0 before point.
How to use it
Intellij Plugin to generate Pojo class from json.
instapk is an android studio plugin which will share apk to slack teams with a single button click! No more browse or drag n drop, be at your place!
Json2Java4Idea is an IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio plugin which generates Java class from JSON.
Android Studio / IDEA plug-ins to make Android multi-channel packages.
An IntelliJ plugin for generate Android string resource from Excel.
This plugin helps to develop with Android Data Binding Library.
Devknox is a developer friendly plugin developed by the team behind Appknox, a cloud-based mobile security solution trusted by many businesses worldwide.
Devknox is a slick and handy security plugin for Android Studio and IntelliJ. It helps developers detect and resolve security issues as they write code.
AndroidStudio/IntelliJ IDEA code style settings for Android projects.
IntelliJ Idea, Android Studio plugin for JSON to POJO conversion.
Plugin which generates Android Parcelable boilerplate code for kotlin's data class.
Force clear delaying & no longer needed Gradle tasks.