Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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A tooltip/showcase library for Android re-written and refactored in Kotlin.

Jan 6, 2022

The missing I18N/L10N (internationalization / localization) library for Jetpack Compose!

Jan 5, 2022

Multiplatform cold messages that can be predefined and combined. Works with string resources.

Jan 5, 2022

A library that makes Logcat easy to use from Android.

Jan 5, 2022

A Database Abstraction Layer to write clean and organized ORM-less persistance code. Used to replace ROOM ORM from my projects.

Jan 5, 2022

LinkHub is a simple and effective link management application that can help you to easily manage your app with no ads!

Jan 5, 2022

Pluto is a on-device debugger for Android applications, which helps in inspection of HTTP requests/responses, capture Crashes and ANRs and manipulating application data on-the-go.

It comes with a UI to monitor and share the information, as well as APIs to access and use that information in your application.

Jan 5, 2022

AXAnimation is an Android Library which can simply animate views and everything!

Jan 5, 2022

SSJetPackComposeProgressButton is an elegant button with a different loading animations.


  • Android’s modern toolkit - Jetpack Compose support.
  • Newly designed loading animation make your app attractive.
  • Blinking icon button for your hot-feature.
  • Button with text, right and left icon.
  • Different types of state makes it easy to manage button. (Idle, Loading, Success, Failure)
  • Fully customized button (Corner radius, background, colors, animation speed etc.)
  • Customize button loading animation with your logo and special animation effect.
Jan 5, 2022

Extensions to encrypt DataStore using Tink.

⚠️ This tiny library will be maintained until an official solution for DataStore encryption will be released by Google.

Jan 5, 2022

Jetpack Compose image loading library that fetches and displays network images with Glide, Coil, and Fresco

Jan 5, 2022

SSJetpackComposeSwipeableView is a small library which provides support for the swipeable views. You can use this in your lazyColumns or can add a simple view which contains swipe to edit/delete functionality.


  • Simple and easy to use.
  • Customize according to your needs.
  • Use wherever you want.
  • Get proper swipe callback events.
Jan 5, 2022

Supports loading profile images with fractional styles, shapes, borders, indicators, and initials for Android.

Jan 4, 2022

A tooltip library for Jetpack Compose which can be used inside ConstraintLayout.

Jan 4, 2022

A minimal notes application in Jetpack Compose with MVVM architecture. Built with components like DataStore, Coroutines, ViewModel, LiveData, Room, Navigation-Compose, Coil, koin etc.

Jan 4, 2022

A lightweight Android network response API for handling data and error response with transformation extensions.

Jan 4, 2022

A library for displaying math equation in Android.

Jan 4, 2022

A simple Emoji Rating Bar library for Android completely written in Kotlin.

Jan 4, 2022

DrawBox is a multi-purpose tool to draw anything on canvas, written completely on jetpack compose.

Jan 4, 2022

Basket Layout is a library which extending from cardview that makes manage add to cart operation easier for android app.

Jan 4, 2022

A gradient color picker.

Jan 3, 2022

Scan captured barcode image and it crop for selecting single code or multiple codes.

Jan 3, 2022

Android library to simplify the ease of getting location from location provider. Improved accuracy & threshold checks for minimum horizontal accuracy and using Kalman Filter.

Jan 3, 2022

Jetpack Compose utility library for capturing Composable content and transforming it into Bitmap Image

Jan 3, 2022

"Page-turning for Android" is a library to simulate paper book pages turning in your android application. In addition to curling, the library supports zooming and dragging of the zoomed area as well.

Jan 3, 2022

Focus on building your form UI while the library do the heavy work for you.

Jan 3, 2022

A simple library to create Circular chips like Instagram stories or a custom recyclerView without need of adapter.

Jan 3, 2022

It is a Profile Image View with percentage progress developed in Kotlin. It is a highly customizable view that offers multiple attributes for creating either dash or continuous progress view around profile image based on your requirements.

Jan 3, 2022

ANP Audio Recorder is a library that helps a developer to provide a easy way to to user record an audio and play it to get a feedback about the record.

Jan 3, 2022

This library allows you to add various validations for the Edittext Input you use in your application.

Jan 3, 2022