Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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Birch is a simple, secure, and free remote logger that allows you to collect logs from production applications.

The lib supports offline logging and allows you to remotely adjust log level and upload frequency on specific devices to help troubleshoot pesky bugs in production.

The platform also helps organize logs coming from different build types whether it's development, staging, sandbox, production, or any other variation.

Jan 26, 2024

This is the official Android SDK for Stream Chat, a service for building chat and messaging applications. This library includes both a low-level chat SDK and a set of reusable UI components.

Maker Account Stream is free for most side and hobby projects with a Maker Account. For complete pricing details visit the Chat Pricing Page.

Supported features - Channels list UI - Channel UI - Message reactions - Link preview - Image, video and file attachments - Editing and deleting messages - Typing indicators - Read indicators - Push notifications - GIF support - Light and dark themes - Style customization - UI customization - Threads - Count for unread messages

Feb 14, 2022

The Hardware Security SDK is the best framework for using Security Keys (YubiKeys, Nitrokeys, …) and smart cards on Android. It supports NFC and USB connections.

Our SDK extends your app with:

  • FIDO two-factor authentication
  • SSH authentication with PIV/OpenPGP
  • TLS client certificate authentication

May 20, 2019

The best qualitative analytics tool for your Android & iOS Apps. UserExperior provide video replay of your user sessions on your app and also provides touch heat maps of your users interaction on your app screens.

Jan 5, 2019

A high-performance viewer, extensive annotation and document editing tools, digital signatures, and more. All engineered for the best possible user and developer experience. PSPDFKit — the Android PDF SDK made for you.


  • PDF Viewer
  • Annotation Editor
  • Filling AcroForms
  • Digital Signatures
  • Indexed Full-Text Search
  • Document Editor (Add/Remove/Rotate Pages)
  • Replies (Comment on Annotations)
  • Image Documents (Annotate Images just like PDF)
  • PDF Redaction
  • Visual Page Comparison
Nov 27, 2018

'Freemium' cloud-based CICD service for (Android and iOS) mobile app development, integrated with Github, Gitlab, BitBucket and 180+ developer services. Grab the Open Source CLI from Github and automate locally.

Cloud version free up to 200 builds per month. More builds or more than 10 minutes buildtime per build requires a paid developer account

Oct 27, 2018

Voice overlay helps you turn your user's voice into text, providing a polished UX while handling for you the necessary permission.

Oct 14, 2018

When your users want to get from one location to another, don’t push them out of your application into a generic map application. Instead, keep them engaged with your application 100% of the time with in-app turn-by-turn navigation.

The Mapbox Navigation SDK is a precise and flexible platform which contains logic needed to get timed navigation instructions and enables your users to explore the world's streets. We are designing new maps specifically for navigation that highlight traffic conditions and helpful landmarks. The calculations use the user's current location and compare it to the current route that the user's traversing to provide critical information at any given moment.

Sep 25, 2018

Plugins are single-purpose libraries built on top of the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android that you can include in your apps like any other Android dependency. You'll find documentation for each plugin on our Android documentation website. A full list of the current plugins is available below.

Why Plugins

Splitting specific functionality into plugins makes our Maps SDK lighter and nimble for you to use, and it also lets us iterate faster. We can release plugins more often than the SDK, which requires a slower pace due to its larger codebase.

Sep 24, 2018

Linguist is a simple framework to translate your app to over 100 languages automatically.

Sep 22, 2018

The Mapbox Maps SDK for Android is an open source toolset for displaying maps inside of your Android application.

Features include:

  • Annotations
  • 3D extrusions
  • Offline support
  • Runtime styling
  • Live traffic, routing, and navigation
  • POI search
Sep 7, 2018

HockeySDK-Android implements support for using HockeyApp in your Android applications.

Jan 8, 2018

The SortableTableView started as an open-source project more than two years ago. Since then, we have improved the core architecture and implemented the most requested features (which were not compatible with the old architecture). The result is a library that is very stable and advanced as well as easy to use.

Nov 14, 2017

Newtron Watchdog allows the critical applications you develop for Android to keep running even after an application crash.

Sep 6, 2017

In-App Feedback and Bug Reporting for Mobile Apps

The top apps in the world rely on Instabug for beta testing, user engagement, and crash reporting. Gather feedback from your beta testers and have live conversations with your users.

Jun 10, 2017

A fully customizable photo editor for your app. Integrate the PhotoEditor SDK into your own Android, iOS or Html5 app in minutes!

The PhotoEditor SDK provides a variety of tools and functions for creating photo applications for Android.

Jun 9, 2017

Trialy makes it easy to create a free trial for your in-app-purchases. Trialy takes care of the heavy lifting for you (using server-side checks with customizable grace periods to allow for offline use, for example) so you can focus on developing an amazing app. In addition to configuring the trial length, you can decide whether users should be able to try your app on each of their device, or just once for each Google account.

May 14, 2017

Bugsee is a bug and crash reporting tool for iOS and Android apps. Like a black box on an airplane, Bugsee locally records everything that the app is doing. Whenever a bug occurs, everything that led to it has already been recorded:

  • Video of user’s actions + touches (including in live apps)
  • All Network traffic
  • Console logs and more
Apr 8, 2017

Library and SDK for reading QR codes on iOS and Android.

Mar 31, 2017

Mobile Test Automation Tool

  • Run the same test on different mobile devices and operating systems with a mobile test automation tool that allows tests portability
  • Perform mobile test automation using real devices and emulators
  • Create a test on one device and run it on any other device model or operating system
  • Increase coverage with full peripheral testing capabilities
  • Start your mobile test automation quickly with a simple plug, record and play tool
  • Enhance your mobile test automation by Integrating into all your major ALM environments
  • Integrate with any continuous integration environment
  • Recorder for quick test creation
Jan 5, 2017

The most advanced set of mobile SDKs for WebRTC.

How you can use it:

  • Build powerful mobile versions of your application.
  • Give more connection options to your customers.
  • Enable users to connect on the go.
  • Inject external audio and video streams into your calls.
Dec 24, 2016

Fully featured customizable XMPP framework for iOS and Android. It includes an XMPP server and client code to quickly add text, picture and location messaging functionality to your app.


  • Text, Picture and location messages
  • Group chat room
  • Private messages
  • Copy/Paste
  • Automatic highlighting of emails addresses and phone numbers
  • Flexible architecture
  • Messages saved with core data / GreenDAO
  • Social login
  • Search by user name
  • Tabbed interface - profile page, contacts page, search page etc...
  • Full XMPP stack provided
Dec 24, 2016

With the Buildbox, creating games is simple. There is no programming or scripting needed. Just import images, assign them properties and build out your game. Use one of our many presets to get started and preview your game in real time.

Dec 24, 2016

VSBarcodeReader is the most advanced barcode reading library for the iPhone and Android. The library and SDK allow you to add barcode scanning functionality to your app in minutes. Our proprietary algorithms can read blurry UPCs and EANs captured by fixed focus cameras.

Dec 24, 2016

Android SDK for Hotline.

Dec 16, 2016

Web and mobile payments, built for developers.

A set of unified APIs and tools that instantly enables businesses to accept and manage online payments.

Sep 19, 2016

Faster and more reliable networking for mobile apps.

Sep 13, 2016

Bugfender enables developers to see the logcat of their applications, directly from user's Android phones and tablets.

Bugfender is a cloud service that allows developers to upload their application logs, even for remote devices, combined with a web console to view the logs once uploaded. You just need to create an account to start using it and get the NSLog console of any device you are interested in.

Jul 18, 2016

SciChart for Android is a new native Android Charting Library which supports Java and the Android SDK for development of applications and embedded systems that require high performance, real-time Android Charts. With groundbreaking performance and an intuitive, extensible API, SciChart’s Android Chart Library makes impossible projects, possible.

Jul 11, 2016

Create native mobile apps using Java.

Jul 9, 2016