Corona Tracker is an Android application which shows worldwide data of confirmed cases, recovered cases and death cases. You can also get country-wise data. The data is provided by astsiatsko.
Corona Tracker is written in Kotlin and makes use of KTX, Coroutines, Dagger2, Retrofit and MVVM.
A sample app demonstrating a quick workaround to using PahoMQTT in Android Oreo+ using foreground notification.
Demo application with statistics of some cryptocurrencies from CoinMarketCap API.
The application for showing data of USGS Eathquake API on the Google Map.
This will provide food data in JSON form and display it using RecyclerView
and CardView
A simple Android MVP Architecture sample using the Github API.
A sample app written with Kotlin to demonstrate the usage of Android Architecture Components and MVVM architecture. News feed is obtained from New York Times API
A collection of quickstart samples demonstrating the Firebase APIs on Android.
A sample app that shows basic usage of Firebase Auth and Database in form of a very simple chat hub app.
This little Project written by Kotlin
used Retrofit and Rxjava and so on. Pull data from Readhub which is a news aggregator website in China.
FeedFire is a project to help developers integrate with Google Firebase.
FastHub is yet another open source GitHub client app but unlike any other app, FastHub built from ground up.
Android app built with MVP architectural approach and uses Marvel Comics API that allows developers everywhere to access information about Marvel's vast library of comics.
Contributions, stars, followers, trending etc. on Github.
A GitHub third party client, show the rank of users and repositories, trending.
Install Referrer is an Open Source application that allows you to test the referrer attribute on the Google Play Store
Stackoverflow client utilizing RXJava and other libraries