Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

A Floating and Draggable KeyboardView for android that several EditText's can register to use it.

Feb 11, 2017

ChipCloud creates a cloud of "chips" as per material specifications, as below

A fork from another library, it provides customizations for typeface, text size, vertical and horizontal spacing, all caps and gravity apart from different select modes and selected/deselected text and background colors which the original library provided. You can also update your labels in-place, if your use case requires it.

Feb 10, 2017

Floating-ArcMenu A prety menu for all application

Android floating arc menu which reacts on scrolling events. Becomes visible when an attached target is scrolled up and invisible when scrolled down.

Feb 8, 2017

Animation that creates a pentagon shape with showing buttons on the click of floating action button. This project illustrated the use case of ValueAnimator and how to create and add views dynamically.

Jan 30, 2017

A floating text button component.

Jan 29, 2017

This library provides you an RTL Spinner with the Material style. You can use it like any regular Spinner. Add RTL floating label text, hint and error messages.

Jan 22, 2017

A FloatingActionButton subclass that shows a counter badge on right top corner.

Jan 9, 2017

This is an Android Library for developer to use customized recyclerview with many features, like easy use Empty view, Refresh view, Floating Action Button, Load more. So all these features contain in one recyclerview.

Jan 7, 2017

A general purpose android UI library to show a user show menu in accordance of Floating action button with modern way of material design guidelines.

Jan 2, 2017

Create square float action button using this example!

In this example we are creating an square floating action button which will be different from float action button, but will work the same

Dec 31, 2016

Android floating action button (fab) with text.

Dec 30, 2016

A multi-functional FAB component with customizable options.

Nov 27, 2016

As the name describes, this is an Android library that you can use to show new messages badge and new features badge. More importantly, it has a default shadow like FAB (Floating Action Button) and more simple to use just like ordinary TextView.

Nov 18, 2016

A pretty label layout.

Nov 14, 2016

FloatingView can make the target view floating above the anchor view with cool animation.

Nov 5, 2016

SquareMenu is a custom Floating Action Button with a different shape from traditional FABs and with three sub menu buttons.

Nov 2, 2016

This library allows you to create a list of items that are pinned by a floating label (text or image) on the left of the list.

Sep 22, 2016

A simple TextView that is styled like a label.

Aug 18, 2016

A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View and was inspired by Menu Material Fixed created by Tommaso Poletti

Aug 12, 2016