Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

An example with floating view.

Aug 7, 2016

Floating Action Menu for Android.

Aug 4, 2016

Fun to use Floating Action Button (FAB) view for Android 4.0 and higher.

Jul 11, 2016

A pretty floating action menu.

Jun 24, 2016

A Library to show Round ImageView with Face Detection and text labels on right side. Best suited for person details.

May 19, 2016

Minimized/Floating Youtube.

May 16, 2016

A toolbar that morphs from a FloatingActionButton.

Apr 27, 2016

Add a circular progress bar to any existing fab.

Apr 25, 2016

A menu layout view with FloatingActionButton, which means you still can use the features of FAB like auto hide while scrolling.

Apr 16, 2016

FAB to Toolbar Button library for Android Material Collapsing Toolbar.

Apr 12, 2016

FloatingText is a text widget that can floating above view with animation.

Apr 1, 2016

A pretty triangle label view.

Mar 25, 2016

RevealFAB is a simple custom view that provides you intents between activities with ripple animation.

Feb 23, 2016

An extension of the Floating Action Button to keep track of the user's progress.

Jan 28, 2016

A simple to use library addressing the lack of support for Speed dial transitions in Design Support Library.

Jan 26, 2016

This project allows to add decoration element at the corner of view.

Jan 10, 2016

Yet another floating search view implementation, also known as persistent search: that implementation fully supports menu (including submenu), logo and animated icon. Dropdown suggestions are backed by a RecyclerView and you can provide your own RecyclerView.Adapter, ItemDecorator or ItemAnimator.

Jan 3, 2016

An implementation of a floating search box with search suggestions.

Nov 28, 2015

A floating action buttons which are transformed into toolbar.

Oct 4, 2015