Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

A spinner you can customize your hint and header of dialog with floating label.

Jan 4, 2018

HandyGridView is a high-performance drag and drop GridView, it extends GridView, you can drag drop GridView item to sort the labels, and draw something on the GridView. Just use the HandyGridView like a GridView.

Dec 19, 2017

This view is for replacement of standard Floating Action Button from Google Support Library. It is easy to use, customizable and you can also add text to button.

Dec 19, 2017

A minimal lined LabelView with auto-fitting text.

Dec 14, 2017

Handle TextView with Label and click to show full lines.

Dec 10, 2017

A library that lets you create a floating button which shows in your app screens. You can drag and drop it anywhere in your application and you can configure it on runtime to navigate through your predefined shortcuts.

Nov 30, 2017

Floating Info is an Android application that displays the following in a system overlay window:

  • The application name, package name and process id of the application which is currently in the device's foreground
  • The Global CPU utilisation with a per-core breakdown - This is not foreground application specific.
  • Memory usage breakdown for the currently foregrounded process
  • Network information like connection type, proxy status and IP addresses. Both IPv4 and IPv6
  • Device Locale information
Nov 16, 2017

Android library that makes it easy to create floating UI elements.

Nov 11, 2017

A menu of FloatingActionButton items, designed to be anchored on an AppBarLayout.

Oct 30, 2017

Another floating action button menu with expand/collapse behavior.

Menu resource example

The menu is structure from top to bottom, for example, the first one is the main button and the others will be the first option, second option and etc. The first item don't need to have a text because only the options have labels.

Oct 4, 2017

Dr.Vector automatically process the vector drawable file - it converts all float numbers declared without 0 before point.

How to use it

  • Option 1: Edit - Doctor Vector - Fix Floating Points
  • Option 2: Ctrl + Alt + D
Aug 18, 2017

SeekbarWithIntervals is an extension of the SeekBar with labels.

Jul 4, 2017

This library makes it easy to animate Floating Action Button to Bottom Sheet Dialog and vice versa.

Jul 1, 2017

This project aims to implement FloatingActionButton's speed dial animation in material design guideline.

Jun 19, 2017

An orbit-like floating action button with animation features.

May 4, 2017

Android floating window permission compatibility library.

May 3, 2017

TextInputLayout and TextInputEditText merged into one class. Just for convenience and for removing some boilerplate code.

Apr 26, 2017

InstaChat offers a revolutionary way to read messages of your favourite messengers. It overlays every other app and you can reply from anywhere you want. Sometimes you did not want to quit your current app but also need to read some important messages or reply to them. Thats the point where InstaChat will help you. Use floating chatHeads bubbles like in Facebook for Whatsapp, Telegram and others!

Apr 14, 2017

FloatingActionButton menu library.

Apr 1, 2017

Bug free LabelledSpinner with native Spinner component floating label!

Feb 16, 2017