Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

SVGMapView allows to display SVG on Android platform.

Jun 2, 2015

With this plugin, you can define source folders for SVGs and they will automatically be rasterized/included in your build without messing with your source code.

Mar 11, 2015

Android view with both path from constructed path or from SVG.

Jan 22, 2015

A Gradle plugin witch automatically packs texture for a libgdx game, using libgdx texture packer. Before packing, the plugin can do some actions on the resources provided, such as:

  • Resize images for variants
  • Generate 1 pixel 9-patches automatically
  • Convert SVG to PNG images
Jan 21, 2015

Use a jar executable to create a Drawable class to display a SVG on Android.

This is a standalone library, not a Runtime Android library. You need to use it BEFORE your Android compilation (and only once per SVG file).

Jan 3, 2015

Custom shape ImageView using PorterDuffXfermode with paint shapes and SVGs.

Dec 8, 2014

Android Developer Icons is a custom icon set, included are:

  • 250 hand-crafted, pixel-perfect icons in 5 sizes and 14 colors
  • an icon font, made from the set
  • all sources: .svg, .ai, .eps, .eot, .ttf, .woff
Dec 8, 2014

Online tool for converting SVG to Android VectorDrawable XML resource file.

Oct 30, 2014

material-design-icons are the official open-source icons featured in the Google Material Design specification.

What's included?

  • SVG versions of all icons in both 24px and 48px flavours
  • SVG and CSS sprites of all icons
  • 1x, 2x icons targeted at the Web (PNG)
  • 1x, 2x, 3x icons targeted at iOS (PNG)
  • Hi-dpi versions of all icons (hdpi, mdpi, xhdpi, xxhdpi, xxxhdpi) (PNG)
Oct 20, 2014

A script to generate android assets from a SVG file. Requires inkscape to resize and convert.

Aug 25, 2014

This is a compact and straightforward library for parsing SVG files and rendering them in an Android Canvas. By using vector art, the pain of supporting various screen sizes and densities in Android can be reduced.

Jul 5, 2014

Fork of svg-android +SVN history +Maven +more.

Jul 5, 2014

AndroidSVG is a SVG parser and renderer for Android. It has almost complete support for the static visual elements of the SVG 1.1 and SVG 1.2 Tiny specifications (except for filters).

Jul 5, 2014