Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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Flow is a small library that helps with describing an app as a collection of moderately independent screens. These screens can be pushed onto a concrete backstack to provide navigation history.

Jul 5, 2014

Cicerone is a lightweight library that makes the navigation in an Android app easy.

Nov 22, 2016

When your users want to get from one location to another, don’t push them out of your application into a generic map application. Instead, keep them engaged with your application 100% of the time with in-app turn-by-turn navigation.

The Mapbox Navigation SDK is a precise and flexible platform which contains logic needed to get timed navigation instructions and enables your users to explore the world's streets. We are designing new maps specifically for navigation that highlight traffic conditions and helpful landmarks. The calculations use the user's current location and compare it to the current route that the user's traversing to provide critical information at any given moment.

Sep 25, 2018

The simplest navigation library for Android.

Main Features:

  • Navigation is as simple as calling goTo(screen)
  • You get full control of the backstack
  • Transitions are automatically handled for you

Apr 20, 2017

A light-weight library to make beautiful Navigation Bar easily with ton of customization options.

Mar 2, 2019

A lightweight Android material bottom navigation bar library.

Oct 28, 2019

A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations.

Mar 15, 2020

SSCustomBottomNavigation is a customizable bottom bar library with curved animations.

The actual features are:

  • Bottom Bar which have customizable text, color, background, icon.
  • Animated wave with customizable height
Sep 18, 2020

A beautiful bottom navbar with Lottie animation capability. Latest Version: 1.1.3

Sep 20, 2018

Simple and flexible router library for Android platform.

Dec 30, 2016

BubbleTabBar is bottom navigation bar with customizable bubble like tabs.

Aug 31, 2019

Android library for managing multiple stacks of fragments.

Apr 9, 2016

Android Library to implement Rich, Beautiful, Stylish Material Navigation View for your project with Material Design Guidelines. Easy to use.

Dec 1, 2019

Universal router comes with two flavor, the core module which basically a link router that can convert your URI to whatever you need, and the Android module which more opinionated to how you can use it to help you solve your navigation problem.

Dec 29, 2019

Navigation toolbar is a slide-modeled UI navigation controller.

May 10, 2018

Name UI states, navigate between them, remember where you've been.

Jul 3, 2016

A navigation bar widget inspired on Google Bottom Navigation mixed with Chips component.

Jun 14, 2019

A floating navigation view for listing items dynamically on Android.

Jun 30, 2019

👨‍✈️⛵ multi-module navigation on Android has never been so easier!

Mar 28, 2020

A lightweight bottom navigation view, fully customizable with an indicator and animations.

Jul 28, 2020

Lightweight library based on Cicerone and adds subnavigation functionality (e.g. instagram like navigation tabs).

Dec 9, 2020

A nice looking Spotify like bottom navigation view.

Aug 26, 2018

An easy multiple stack emulation for Android.

Jan 22, 2020

This library allows you to show bottom navigation quickly and simply.

Dec 6, 2018

FlipTabs is a lightweight library that contains a 2-tab view that switches using flip animation.

Dec 2, 2019

An useful fragment navigator helps you control fragments better and easier. You will not need to worry about the dirty things like switch fragments, fragments overlay, save fragments states and restore fragments states. The lib will do them all for you. Fragments in activity and nest Fragment are all supported.

Apr 6, 2016

This is an example of how to implement navigation in a multi-module project.

Jun 30, 2019

A simple Android navigator.

Nov 30, 2017

Easy manage commit Fragment and Activity, with some little extra.

May 26, 2019

FragmentMaster is a library allows you easily develop an Android application which only navigated by Fragments.


  • Pass data and receive result between two fragments.
  • Swipe right to navigate back.
  • Custom transform animation.
Dec 2, 2014