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We could not find any project with the given search parameters, but maybe the following projects can be interesting for you.

An android library containing most of the helper classes every android developer needs.

The Problem

Every Android developer faces few problems while developing Android Apps. Listing down some of them, which I have faced everytime I create a new android project.

  1. The problem of writing boilerplate code while creating Activities, Fragments is annoying.
  2. Need of readymade methods which can come handy such as showing a toast, or showing a progress dialog or launching a new activity.
  3. The problem of applying proper styles and themes to activities and handling those for pre-lollipop and post-lollipop.

What if we had a library which takes care of all these problems and let the developers concentrate on writing the actual business logic and create awesome functionalities.

The Solution

Using the Helper library developer can solve the above mentioned problems. Using this Helper library is pretty simple.

Oct 2, 2017

Jacoco Essence extract your jacoco report data, so you can use it in your CI process. It also can be integrated with Danger. Help achieving some coverage target in your codebase!

Oct 21, 2019

Progress view that animates its state changes.

May 9, 2016