Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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Android library provides essential country information such as country code, dial code, country name, and flag emoji. It's based on the widely recognized ISO 3166 and E.164 standards, ensuring the accuracy and consistency of data.

Feb 5, 2024

A simple Android version name comparator library.

Feb 4, 2022

Kotlin Extensions for converting dimensions.

Dec 14, 2020

Small utilities to build Android apps faster with a pinch of type-safety added to it.

Nov 28, 2020

🪁 Fed up with typing ContextCompact, resources and context all over your apps to access your resources? Say no more.

Nov 24, 2020

Screen orientation event listener helper for activity.

Apr 19, 2020

Easily upload files to Slack using Gradle Plugin.

Feb 18, 2020

Kurl is a library that implements, structures, modularizes and provides testability for APIs implementations. It is designed to turn basic strings (and URLs) operations into consistent and idiomatic Kotlin code.

Kurl is designed from the ground up to perform all the heavy work, leaving you with higher level abstraction and business logic.

Kurl stands for Kotlin Url Repolishing Library. The name is inspired by cUrl.

Jan 24, 2020

Helper class to provide resources - ContextCompat, ResourcesCompat, AnimationUtils, Context.resources - all in one place! 🤩🥳

Oct 21, 2019

SimpleDate is a Kotlin Library which helps you format the date as per your requirement.

Sep 3, 2019

Remote config management Android library powered by annotation processing and code generation.

Jul 24, 2019

A library for writing Android preferences with DSL.

Jun 30, 2019

Library that allows replacement of Java and Kotlin classes in flavors (works in pure Java projects)

Jun 23, 2019

An easy way to persistence and run block codes only as many times as necessary on Android.

Jun 23, 2019

Android library to get country data (eg. ISD code, country code, name) from list of countries.

Jun 18, 2019

A library that allows replacement of Kotlin classes in flavors.

Jun 16, 2019

Utilities and operators for LiveData.

May 12, 2019

Interop for working with LiveData and the KMP implementation of Rx.

May 10, 2019

Beaver is a lightweight and high customizable url meta data parser library.

May 5, 2019

361000 becomes "6 minutes, 1 second"

Mar 22, 2019

A Kotlin extensions + Utils library with Bunch of Help inbuild.

AmniXTension = AmniX's Tension Which Means No Tension to Developers, AmniXTension is Here.

Mar 2, 2019

A collection of static methods to perform various operations including color, device, drawable, package, tasks and sdk on Android 14+ (ICS or above) devices.

Jan 12, 2019

A simple and easy to use stopwatch library for android. With TimeIt, you can create a stopwatch app with very few lines of code!


  • Easy to use stopwatch library
  • No need to use seperate threads. Multithreading is handled by the library itself
  • Supports pause/resume and split methods.
  • Supports an OnTickListener to listen for updates in clock.
  • Set the TextView directly with TimeIt (Automatically formats the time).
  • Set custom clock delay to update the time more or less frequently!
  • Much more to come!
Dec 12, 2018

A library to parse link address and show image with title of web site.

Nov 12, 2018

A useful Android utilities.

Oct 17, 2018

AndroidEasyUtils is a simple android library that contains some util methods which are needed when working in any android project.

Oct 15, 2018

Simple utility tools for Android Development.

Jul 5, 2018

Android library to obfuscate strings at runtime (and plugin for compilation time).

May 17, 2018

This library generates word representation for a number in Indian and Western format.

Mar 17, 2018

CustomComparator allows you to be able to sort objects that have alpha numeric data.

Mar 1, 2018