Bind attributes easily in your custom views using annotations.
Android DataBinding kit for notifying data changes from Model layers to UI layers on MVVM architecture.
Android DataBinding wrapper for MPAndroidChart, using chart in a MVVM way!
DataBinding converter library for RxJava2. This Library provide ObservableField to convert RxJava2.
Bindings for properties with simple Kotlin types (Boolean, String) to layout traits (visibility, text).
This library handles Orientation change for databinding.
View-data binding on Android.
Data binding library for Android which is:
RxJava binding APIs for observable fields and observable collections from the Data Binding Library.
Easily obtain and bind styleable attribute values. Annotate your styleable fields:
java @Styleable(R.styleable.CustomView_showText) boolean showText; @ColorInt @Styleable(value = R.styleable.CustomView_textColor, defaultRes = R.color.default_text_color) int textColor;
Then call the static obtain method providing the View object instance as the target, the AttributeSet containing the values, and any additional parameters:
java Glimpse.obtain(this, attrs);
Kripton is a java library, for Android and Java platform, that provides a simple and uniform way to manage persistence of Java classes in different flavours through annotations and interface. Supported persistence methods are:
To get max performance and avoid boilerplate-code, Kripton use annotation processor. With the power of annotation processor is possible to create code to persist a java class, simply with an annotation. There are many other libraries that do this, but Kripton allows to persists java object in different ways with an unique set of annotation and mechanisms.
Cinder helps you write concise and declarative code with Android’s data binding Observable classes.
RxJava2 extensions for Android Databindings library.
for loading the images with Glide without writing a single line of code using Data Binding Library.
This project goal is to create activity fragment and views, with less code to be more efficient on the view models.
Demo app for Deep dive into Android Data Binding talk.
This library offers easy view bindings for Android.
A lightweight library aiming to speed up Android app development by leveraging the new Android Data Binding and taking the best from the Model-View-ViewModel design pattern.
Android MVVM framework write in kotlin, base on anko, simple but powerful.
Provides useful subclasses from Support Library that work with Data Binding.
With Carpaccio, your views became smarter, instead of calling functions on views, now your views can call functions! You no longer need to extend a view to set a custom behavior.
Easy way to bind collections to listviews and recyclerviews with the new Android Data Binding framework.
AEB - Android Easy Binding. Android View properties binding to the Business Objects (known as POJO).
Bindroid is an open-source utility library for Android apps whose primary goal is to simplify binding UI to data. It introduces an observability pattern for model objects and a number of simple methods for quickly binding these objects to your user interfaces. The result is a responsive, always-consistent and up-to-date user experience without having to write all of the glue to ensure that your UI is updated whenever the data it presents changes.
android-utils is a simple, small and fast framework for Android, which allows you to make UI Binding.
android-bind library helps to you on the process related to data binds between your model entities and your application UI, offering a bidirectional data channel.