Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

Poetry is a persistence library that allows you to persist a JSON object tree (through Jackson) directly into an SQLite database (through OrmLite). Poetry enables you to write less code and persist data much faster.

Jun 17, 2015

NexusData is an object graph and persistence framework for Android. It allows for organizing and managing relational data and serializing it to SQLite or custom stores. The data can be accessed or modified using higher level objects representing entities and their relationships. NexusData manages all the objects in the persistence store, tracks changes, and maintains consistency in relationships.

Jun 7, 2015

Vault is an Android library that simplifies persistence of data from Contentful via SQLite. It lets you define Java representations for your Contentful models.

Jun 5, 2015

A fast way to store POJO in sqlite on an Android device without troubling yourself with database creation.

May 26, 2015

This plugin generates java/android database access code by analysing sqlite migration files or sqlite databases, keeping full control of what code is generated.

sqlite-analyzer creates an in-memory sqlite database, either from a given database file or by reading sql migrations, and analyzes its tables to construct a DatabaseModel. This model is then used to generate database access code.

May 17, 2015

A SQLite statement builder for Java and Android.

May 15, 2015

RestorableSQLiteDatabase is a wrapper to replicate android's SQLiteDatabase class with restoring capability. This wrapper makes it possible to undo changes made after execution of SQL queries.

May 5, 2015

SquiDB is a SQLite database layer for Android. It is designed to make it as easy as possible to work with SQLite databases while still enabling the power and flexibility of raw SQL. SquiDB combines features of an ORM with object-oriented SQL statement builders to make it easy to read and write your data without a bunch of messy SQL strings. It also includes built in tools and hooks to help you easily write database migrations as well as implement ContentProviders.

Apr 25, 2015

A library brings numerous handy classes and methods to help us concatenating and performing CRUD SQLs in Android SQLite.

Mar 10, 2015

Use easily the database SQLite on Android using the DAO and transformer design patterns. Basic methods are already implemented in the class SQLiteDelegate, if you need further queries you should extend from it.

Feb 25, 2015

Android SQLite database manager.

Feb 23, 2015

A lightweight wrapper around SQLiteOpenHelper which introduces reactive stream semantics to SQL operations.

Feb 20, 2015

BARACUS is the BAReknuckle Android Context USher, a tiny framework for android development enabling you to have dependency injection, dynamic context handling and database object relational mapping.


  • Dynamic context creation and destruction
  • Type based dependency injection plus documentation annotation
  • Object relational mapper
  • Dao-Approach for mapping and lazy loading / lazy references
  • Modification awareness for components - listen for data changes
  • Automatic database version and migration management
  • Hot-Backup of Sqlite
  • Declarative form validation and automatic error routing
Jan 29, 2015

Automatically generate a ContentProvider backed by an SQLite database.

Nov 1, 2014

Shillelagh is an sqlite library. It was built to make life easier. The entire library was built around simplicity when using sqlite in Android.

Oct 5, 2014

Realm is a mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables.


  • Mobile-first: Realm is the first database built from the ground up to run directly inside phones, tablets and wearables.
  • Simple: Data is directly exposed as objects and queryable by code, removing the need for ORM's riddled with performance & maintenance issues.
  • Modern: Realm supports easy thread-safety, relationships & encryption.
  • Fast: Realm is faster than even raw SQLite on common operations, while maintaining an extremely rich feature set.
Oct 1, 2014

Android library for detecting and reporting long running SQLite queries.

If some of your queries takes longer than the threshold specified in the CerberusCursorFactory constructor, the report containing the offending query, elapsed query time, stack trace, and the result of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN sqlite query will be dumped into the logcat.

Sep 25, 2014

Android library for getting existing db schema information from sqlite_master table.

You can use the schema information in your SQLiteOpenHelper's onCreate and onUpgrade to remove some boilerplate code.

Sep 23, 2014

SQLite Model Generator Eclipse plugin allows to generate SQLite models for Android projects using JSON schema file.

Sep 20, 2014

SnappyDB is a key-value database for Android it's an alternative for SQLite if you want to use a NoSQL approach.

It allows you to store and get primitive types, but also a Serializable object or array in a type-safe way.

SnappyDB can outperform SQLite in read/write operations.

Sep 14, 2014