Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

A collection of easy to use and extendable DialogFragment's. Futures easy result handling and persistance on rotation with a minimum of code.

Offers common dialogs like alert dialogs, input dialogs with suggestions and validations, filterable single- and multi-choice dialogs, color pickers, date and time pickers and more.

Feb 12, 2017

Open Weather API Wrapper is an Android wrapper for the APIs of This library handles all the network operations and parameter validations on behalf of the developer.

Feb 11, 2017

Data binding based Android library for validating input.

  • Easy to use
  • Highly customisable
Jan 25, 2017

The goal of this library is to help you in your development of validation forms.

Jan 4, 2017

A better Android credit/debit card interactive form without writing a lot of code

CardForm can be used as a simple credit card validation form with any credit card form and any payment API (without you changing anything).

Jan 4, 2017

StripeCardEntry makes a simple and elegant credit card entry UI of Stripe and ports this to the Android Platform. In a nutshell StripeCardEntry has:

  • Support for Visa, Mastercard & American Express cards.
  • Number validation using Luhn algorithm ensures the user will not enter an invalid number.
  • Date validation ensures the user can only enter a valid expiry date.
Dec 19, 2016

Android port of Dan Palmers's jquery.complexify.js.

Dec 11, 2016

An Annotation based validation library for use with Android's DataBinding library in an MVVM architecture.

  • Quick and easily add validation rules to ViewModels by annotating the class.
  • Annotation Processing to eliminate reflection and generate boilerplate validation classes.
Sep 30, 2016

This library helps to implement phone number verification before performing any further operation.

Sep 28, 2016

Testing and validation of REST services in Java is harder than in dynamic languages such as Ruby and Groovy. REST Assured brings the simplicity of using these languages into the Java domain.

Aug 29, 2016

A simple, easy to use, no frills, form validator for Android.

Aug 16, 2016

A lib to make validations on java objects.

Jul 31, 2016

Input validation and error displaying for any Android view that extends from a TextView. This library is born from frustration towards complex if statements and a desire to make form validation much, much easier.

Jul 27, 2016

A fast dependency injector for Android and Java. Kinject has been thought to get the following objectives:

  • Ease to configure.
  • Clean way to satisfy dependencies.
  • High performance without lose flexibility.
  • Integration little intrusive and easily abstractable.
  • Dependencies graph validation in compilation time.
  • Based on code generation.
  • Proguard friendly.
Jul 17, 2016

Focus on Android form validation, build your validation rules using the method chaining.

Jul 12, 2016

Blorm is a field validation lib for android.

Jul 11, 2016

Easy Android form validation in Rx way.

Jun 12, 2016

EasyForm makes a form creation and field validation easy.

Apr 23, 2016

Magic Form allows fast, easy and customizable creation of forms with validations.

Apr 21, 2016

Crash fast library for Android.

Simple precondition library for crashing in case you find unexpected values. For example: After you login against a certain API, you have to get back your user. It's completely necessary to have a no null user, so you can checkNotNull(receivedUser).

Apr 16, 2016