Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

A validation library with Kotlin DSL.

Mar 23, 2018

A simple library for model validation based on annotations.

Feb 17, 2018

Java Validator Library using custom runtime annotations and reflection.

Supports parameters for Fail Policy (Fail on First Error / Continue) and Object Search Policy (Deep / Shallow).

Jan 3, 2018

A simple Android form validation.

Dec 13, 2017

The easiest way to bring validation to your project.

Nov 23, 2017

An extension library for Gson Path that adds validation for fields annotated with Android Support Library annotations annotations.

This library currently supports validation for:

  • @FloatRange
  • @IntRange
  • @StringDef
  • @IntDef
Nov 21, 2017

A tool to validate text inside TextInputLayout.

Nov 20, 2017

The simplest way to add reactive validation to your app.


in your application, there are fields that must be validated. When the number of validation rules becomes greater than 1, to control the display of errors in the fields becomes difficult.


Separate your validation logic by S in SOLID, into own classes. After that, attach validation rules to your fields and combine validation results for change some ui states (ex. change visibility of button)

Nov 1, 2017

Convalida is a simple, lightweight and powerful field validation library for Android.

Oct 6, 2017

Speed up your android development by removing boilerplate code.

Current Features:

  • RecyclerUtils - Remove the need to make an adapter everytime, set up recycler adapter in as little as 4 lines.
  • ScrollUtils - Easily hide/show FloationActionButton on scroll when using RecyclerView or NestedScrollView.
  • ToastUtils - Creating toasts are just a function away.
  • SPUtils - Simple DSL for Shared Preferences.
  • ValidatorUtils - Fast and simple text validation.
  • LogUtils - Simple and easy android logging.
Aug 23, 2017

Validation library for use individual validation and with views.

Jul 11, 2017

An Android library to build form and form validations easily.

Jun 23, 2017

FingerprintAssistant is a library built to seamlessly integrate fingerprint api's into any android project. The custom callback structure implemented will provide callbacks for all possible scenarios encountered while integrating fingerprint api's. FingerprintAssistant primarily address the elimination of validations overhead and focus on business logic to make fingerprint auth as easy and as fast as possible.

Jun 7, 2017

Simple and light library to do validate observable fields with MVVM for android

Each ValidatedObservableField work like ObservableField, but it have 3 observables properties:

  • value - contains the value of type T
  • valid - boolean true if ALL Rules are valid
  • errorMessage - contains NULL or errorMessage from first invalid Rule

Rules are validated one by one (the order is important), the first invalid Rule will break the chain and set errorMessage. Rules are validated onPropertyChange. You can create your own rules using Rule interface. You can use single Rule or many by RuleCommand.

May 25, 2017

A light-weight utility library that does the following things:

  • To check internet connection.
  • Validation for empty EditText boxes.
  • Validation for mobile number.
  • Validate EditText values against user defined patterns (e.g mobile number patterns).
  • Validate length of EditText values.
  • Validation for special characters in EditText values.
  • To show Toast messages.
Apr 10, 2017

A utility library that does the following type of validations:

  • Check internet connection
  • Validate for empty edit texts
  • Validate for email
  • Validate for mobile number
  • Validate text for any no of digits
  • Fancy Progress Dialog
  • Toast
Apr 6, 2017

Android library designed for rapid and customizable form validation.

You can use FormValidator with any View that extends the original EditText (such as MaterialEditText for example).

Apr 6, 2017

Android library designed for rapid and customizable form validation.

You can use AndroidVerify with any View that extends the original EditText (such as MaterialEditText for example).

Mar 29, 2017

Android fields validation library based on data binding adapters.

Mar 28, 2017

Ratifier is a form validation library for Android.

Mar 17, 2017