Simple two-classes DI container with scopes. Written in Kotlin but Java-friendly.
How to use
Inherit Scope
class to create scoped container for your instances. Create instances and bind()
them to this scope. Open created scope and request instances whenever you need with object Injector
. Close scope in right place to avoid memory leaks
Create instances
For example, let's create scope, that will contains object ResourceManager
. It responsible for providing text resources through Android SDK's Resources
class MainScope(
private val context: Context
): Scope() {
override fun init() {
// initialization
val resourceManager = ResourceManager(context.resources)
// binding
Open/close scope
For ResourceManager
it is important to has actual Resources
object for accessing right resources (depends on Locale, screen orientation, etc.), so we can open and close scope in related lifecycle callback methods of our MainActivity:
override fun attachBaseContext(newBase: Context?) {
val mainScope = MainScope(this)
Injector.openScope(mainScope, AppScope::class)
override fun onDestroy() {
Here AppScope::class
is a reference to a parent scope. All scopes should have a parent scope, excluding one root scope. Only one root scope can be opened without mentioning a parens scope: Injector.openScope(appScope)
Request instances
Finally you can request bound instances whenever you need it:
// directly
val resourceManager: ResourceManager = get()
// or lazy
val resourceManager: ResourceManager by inject()
Even in other scopes:
class Mapper(resourceManager: ResourceManager)
class ChildScope: Scope() {
override fun init() {
// initialization
val mapper = Mapper(
resourceManager = get()
// binding
Add to project
Distributed by JitPack Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.eugeneek:injector:1.0.1'