Twitter Video Share
Twitter Video Share Without using the composer .
This is the extension of the Twitter4j library . This library used to share the video along with the text silently that means without using the composer.
NOTE : Library size may be around 1Mb or less than that ... in future it will be optimized
IMPORTANT NOTE : Please download the above project and run it , if u have any doubt in souce refer MainActivity.class in the app folder and refer gradle too avoid unnecessary error . Please insert the Consumer_key and Consumer_secret in the strings file.
NOTE : Before you add this dependency , please add Twitter sdk to your project
First : Add the dependency to the gradle
compile 'com.ko.twitter.vplay.core:twittervideoshare:1.0.3'
or maven
That 's all u have added the library successfully to your project .
Second : How to do twitter video share silently
Please add strict mode in the onCreate() to avoid network exception while doing twitter video share
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 16) {
StrictMode.ThreadPolicy policy = new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder().permitAll().build();
Install Mutli dex support to your project
public void attachBaseContext(Context base) {
After login from the twitter sdk , get the active session from it
final TwitterSession session = TwitterCore.getInstance().getSessionManager().getActiveSession();
Setup confiuration builder for the twitter video share
private com.ko.twitter.vplay.core.Twitter twitter;
private ConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder;
private com.ko.twitter.vplay.core.auth.AccessToken accessTokenForTwitter;
// Set the token and secret from the login user using twitter sdk to the instance for the library
accessTokenForTwitter = new com.ko.twitter.vplay.core.auth.AccessToken(session.getAuthToken().token, session.getAuthToken().secret);
configurationBuilder = new ConfigurationBuilder();
TwitterFactory twitterFactory = new TwitterFactory(;
// Setting that auth token to instance for the twitter4j variable from the library
twitter = twitterFactory.getInstance();
Finally send the file to uploadMediaChunked
twitter.uploadMediaChunked("video", fileInputStream);
NOTE : Do the above operation in async task , to avoid lag in your UI Thread