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We could not find any project with the given search parameters, but maybe the following projects can be interesting for you.

SwipeableRV is a library that provides a fast and convenient way to implement the 'swipe to dismiss' feature in Recycler View, as seen in apps such as Messenger.

SwipeableRV wraps around ItemTouchHelper from the Android Support Library. Therefore, developers do not need to do any extra work on ItemTouchHelper.Callback themselves. Instead they can just focus on creating a recycler view, adapter, and view holder as normal, plus some minimal work on specifying some details such as supported swipe directions, deletion message or icon.

May 28, 2017

React Button is a library to create a button like in Facebook app.

Feb 11, 2018

Android ActionBar Advanced Support Library for API v22, v21, v19. This will be a better one for all kinds of design. This library bundled a lot of design patterns in the advanced actionbar supports.

Jul 18, 2015