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An Android library to retrofit multiple item view types.

Aug 4, 2016

The RecyclerView is one of the most used widgets in the Android world, and with it you have to implement an Adapter which provides the items for the view. Most use cases require the same base logic, but require you to write everything again and again.

The FastAdapter is here to simplify this process. You don't have to worry about the adapter anymore. Just write the logic for how your view should look like, and you are done.

Jan 11, 2016

Groupie helps you display and manage complex RecyclerView layouts.

Sep 30, 2016

FlexibleAdapter for RecyclerView.

Jul 29, 2015

Renderers is an Android library created to avoid all the Adapter/ListView boilerplate needed to create a new adapter and all the spaghetti code that developers used to create following the ViewHolder classic implementation.

This Android library offers you two main classes to extend and create your own rendering algorithms out of your adapter implementation.

Renderers is an easy way to work with android ListView and Adapter classes. With this library you only have to create your renderers and declare the mapping between the object to render and the renderer.

Dec 8, 2014

MergeAdapter accepts a mix of Adapters and Views and presents them as one contiguous whole to whatever ListView it is poured into. This is good for cases where you have multiple data sources, or if you have a handful of ordinary Views to mix in with lists of data, or the like.

Simply create a MergeAdapter and call addAdapter(), addView(), or addViews() (latter accepting a List), then attach your adapter to the ListView.

There is also MergeSpinnerAdapter for use with Spinner widgets.

Dec 15, 2014

Creating adapters each time you want to use a RecyclerView is boring. Also, creating an adapter that accepts different types of data, with its corresponding views, and manage them generates adapters with lines and lines of code that are difficult to maintain.

RecyclerViewRenderers is a library whose main objective is to reduce the time you spend fighting against RecyclerView.

Nov 4, 2014

Gencycler is the fastest way to write RecyclerView adapters.

Jan 5, 2019

OneAdapter is made to simplify and enhance the use of the RecyclerView's Adapter while preventing common mistakes. With multiple modules and hooks, you don't have to think about writing an adapter anymore, and just focus on what matters.


  • Modular approach for more reusable and testable code
  • Built-in support for DiffUtil (using Diffable)
  • Optimized performance - internal processing done on a background thread
  • 100% written in Kotlin
  • Modules:
    • Item Module
    • Paging Module
    • Emptiness Module
    • Selection Module
  • Event Hooks:
    • Click Event Hook
Aug 13, 2019

FunDapter is a new approach to Android ListView Adapters. Achieve more. Write less code. Fix less bugs. Simply declare which fields you want and apply behaviours to them.

Jul 5, 2014

Sick of writing ViewHolder classes, inflate xml and distinguish ViewTypes in your adapters?

Write less code with AnnotatedAdapter, an annotation processor for generating RecyclerView and AbsListView adapters.

Oct 20, 2014

Easiest way to declare RecyclerView Adapters in Android with Kotlin! No more boilerplate code.

Nov 3, 2018

android-parallax-recyclerview is an adapter which could be used to achive a parallax effect on RecyclerView.

Nov 6, 2014


  • easy-to-use DSL-methods for making adapters
  • support of multiple item types
  • build-in listeners
  • DiffUtil under the hood

Mar 17, 2024

An Adapter that allows a RecyclerView to be split into Sections with headers and/or footers.

Apr 23, 2016

MultiChoiceAdapter is an implementation of ListAdapter which adds support for modal multiple choice selection as in the native Gmail app.

Jul 5, 2014

FlagChatAdapter is easy to implement enchanting recycler view adapter. Just extend your adapter with FlagChatAdapter, implement some methods and voila! You have got the most beautiful looking chat on your phone. Zero boilerplate code, just put your variables in the right direction.

Oct 16, 2018

Open source project in order to implement Pinterest like list view on Android.

Feb 11, 2015

Android library project that intends to simplify the usage of Adapters for ListView/GridView and RecyclerView. You won't have to code any boring adapter again!

Jun 12, 2015

Using AdapterViews has never been so easy. Inspired by the view holder design pattern, this library provides an easier way of linking AdapterViews and the underlying data for that view without having to implement your own Adapter. The EasyAdapter will do the tedious work for you.

Jul 5, 2014

SimpleGenericAdapter is an Android library that helps developers to create a Recyclerview Adapter easily without repeatedly building any adapter boilerplate.

Aug 12, 2019

Adapter Kit is a set of useful adapters for Android. The kit currently includes:

  • Instant Adapter
  • Instant Cursor Adapter
  • Simple Section Adapter
  • Circular List Adapter

Jul 5, 2014

Simple Adapter used to create simple RecyclerView adapter without creating new java file.

Mar 13, 2018

Small and lightweight extensions to RecycerView.Adpter which adds missing ListView and GridView features to RecyclerView.

Jan 26, 2016

A quick adapter library for ListView, GridView, RecyclerView, ViewPager and ExpandableListView on android.

Apr 16, 2016

This is the SIMPLEST Section Adapter available for Android's ListView. It works with list adapters that you already have. No project specific dependencies. Just include the latest jar or the sources to your Android project.

Jul 5, 2014

Drag and Drop adapter implementation for RecyclerView. Targeted to support any LayoutManager and ItemAnimator.

Jan 26, 2015

Adapter library for RecyclerView to display your app's OSS dependencies.

May 1, 2016

Adapter and ViewHolder that let you implement easily and a RecyclerView to be split into multi-sectioned.

Mar 27, 2018

A beautiful leanback port for Smartphones and Tablets.

Sep 1, 2015