Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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RoundableLayout is an easy to make round corner layout in an Android. And it implements ConstraintLayout, so you can directly handle inner layout, too.

Oct 29, 2019

This library allows you to create a shadow effect for your layout based on your child.

May 3, 2016

Decor is a library that applies decorators to android layout with additional attributes without the need to extend and create a custom view for each functionality.

Decor plugs into Android layout inflation and applies custom attributes to views. This library was inspired by Pretty.

May 8, 2015

Project vlayout is a powerfull LayoutManager extension for RecyclerView, it provides a group of layouts for RecyclerView. Make it able to handle a complicate situation when grid, list and other layouts in the same recyclerview.

Mar 4, 2017

An expandable layout that shows a two-level layout with an indicator.

Sep 29, 2019

A FlowLayout for Android, which allows child views flow to next row when there is no enough space. The spacing between child views can be calculated by the FlowLayout so that the views are evenly placed.

Jan 11, 2017

SequenceLayout is a new solution to layout problem. This new layout is much more flexible and also very much simpler to understand and define.

While being more light weight than ConstraintLayout, SequenceLayout makes it possible to support a wider range of screen sizes.

Apr 6, 2019

SwipeLayout is a project for the android platform, providing the opportunity to perform swipe for any layout, in the specified direction.


  • Executing the swipe to the left
  • Executing the swipe to the right
  • Executing the swipe and left and right
  • Using any your layouts
  • Four modes of swipe, which can be combined with each other
Oct 13, 2018

Parallax Layer Layout let's you add layered parallax effect to your Android views or images based on things like device rotation.

Jul 31, 2016

A little animation framework which could help you to show message in a nice looking way.

Oct 15, 2015

Expands and collapses a layout's horizontal and vertical sequentially.

Oct 28, 2019

CornerCutLinearLayout extends LinearLayout. It allows cutting parent corners with different shapes and build proper shadow for complex shapes. It also allows cutting each child's corners.

Additionally, using available properties and custom providers, those cuts may be turned into cutouts of different shapes, sizes, etc. Widget's sole purpose is to use with children with no transformations (like rotation, scale, matrix transformations).

Additional features:

  • RTL support
  • child layout parameters that allow overriding default parent parameters
  • custom shadow
  • custom dividers & providers
  • custom cutouts & providers
  • custom view visible area provider
Apr 28, 2020

DragView is a library that simplifies building Player's zoom in and out effects

Mar 29, 2020

A lightweight, good expandability android library used for displaying different load pages like loading, error, empty, timeout or your custom load page when you do net job.

Sep 21, 2017

A Floating Layout for Android platform.

Dec 9, 2020

Developers will have a performance-friendly video background with a few lines of code.

Sep 7, 2019

The Maskable Layout is a simple framelayout that allow you to easily mask view and viewgroups. You can also execute other porterduffxfermodes. Simple Drawables are accepted, as well as AnimationDrawables!

Jul 13, 2014

Android library for inflating dynamic layouts in runtime based on JSON configuration fetched from server. Useful in situations when layouts need to change without updating the app.

Still pretty fresh. Stay tuned!

May 11, 2018

Android Shadow Layout.

Mar 11, 2015

A library for showing different types of layouts when a list view is empty. These layouts can be shown when, the list is loading, the list has no item to display, an error occurred trying to load items.

Jul 5, 2014

Create reactive ui in android programmatically. Get rid of the boring and layout.xml files.

Sep 30, 2020

A swipe layout similar to iOS Mail app.

Dec 12, 2016

This library is based on Material design guidance

Jun 10, 2019

This library provides a version of GridLayout that works across all versions of Android 1.5+. As a side effect, this library also includes the lightweight Space as well.

Jan 26, 2015

Round Korner Layouts is an Android library create to build a layout with the round corners.

Jun 25, 2017

Expansion panels contain creation flows and allow lightweight editing of an element.

Jan 7, 2018

With Diagonal Layout explore new styles and approaches on material design.

Oct 17, 2016

Android Layout Library with animated Blob Background.

Jun 22, 2020

Have you ever had to create two almost-identical layout files because they had a few minor differences? Sure, you can fix it with <include/> but then you start ending up with layouts all over the place.

YieldLayout to the rescue! It works opposite of <include/> so you can combine one layout around another instead of inside it. After it does it's magic, you will have 0 extra views in your layout hierarchy, just like <include/>, so it's like it was never there.

Nov 4, 2014

StateLayout is a simple-use Android layout library which handles Loading, Content and Error / Info states for the activity / fragment / view.

Jan 7, 2019