An Android convenience library to make setting an alarm way simpler than it is.
SmplrAlarm manages all the necessary modules to set a proper alarm by using native android libraries, provides an API interface powered by Kotlin DSL and at the end of the day makes setting an alarm as simple as possible.
A Android Library for persistent and time based notifications.
BatchMan (short for batch manager) is an android library implementation responsible for batching of events based on the configurations done by the client, and giving the batch back to the client.
Trigger is a back-port of JobScheduler
mechanism from Android Lollipop.
Boogaloo is a task-retry manager with a certain back-off time.
JobSchedulerCompat is a backport of Android Lollipop's JobScheduler to api 10+. All JobScheduler features are implemented.
cron4j is a scheduler for the Java platform which is very similar to the UNIX cron daemon. With cron4j you can launch, from within your Java applications, any task you need at the right time, according to some simple rules.