This library implements reactive paging and loading. It helps to handle the states of loading a simple data (LCE - loading/content/error) or the complex states of lists with pagination (PLCE - paging/loading/content/error). The solution is based on the usage of Unidirectional Data Flow pattern.
Dispose automatically RxJava2 streams using AAC Lifecycle.
An RxJava Extension for the LiveData observer introduced by Google. Provides the ability to perform single actions using RxJava and takes advantage of an automatic subscription of the Lifecycle owner. Mainly designed to used Room CRUD commands with RxJava.
A thin wrapper around Java Collections using RxJava2 in which you can observe the insertions,removals and modifications. Inspired from observable collections in JavaFX and observable properties in Swift.
Automatically dispose RxJava 2 streams in Android using Lifecycle events.
This is the RxJava2 port of the RxGroups project developed by AirBnb. The branch rx-2.0 has the Rx2 changes. The changes have been done on master branch of RxGroups. The following documentation written for RxGroups by AirBnb applies to Rx2Groups as well. All the API and package names originally written by AirBnb remains as it is. I have transitioned all the RxJava APIs(including the unit tests) to RxJava2.
RxGroups lets you group RxJava Observables together in groups and tie them to your Android lifecycle. This is especially useful when used with Retrofit.
Rxjava2 scheduler transformer tools for RxLife.
This is a library that can help you to receive results from startActivityForResult()
as an Observable
This project is implementation of ideas from Managing state reactive way article.
An RxJava 2 operator which splits an observable into windows using a key selector.
RxLoader caches the data emitted by your Observable across orientation changes by utilizing an Android Loader, while also providing the results from an Observable preserving the RxJava pattern.
RxComprehensions is a library to reduce boilerplate and simplify your Observable
Library to convert between RxJava 1.x and 2.x reactive types.
Reduks (similarly to Reduxjs) is basically a simplified Reactive Functional Programming approach for implementing UI for Android.
A Java fluent assertion wrapper to improve readability of RxJava's TestSubscriber assertions.
your Observables into ones that load data that's cached across activity orientation changes without leaking your Activity
and without you having to worry about unsubscribing.
RxGroups lets you group RxJava Observables
together in groups and tie them to your Android lifecycle.
This is a tiny library for Android which makes it simple to monitor when your app becomes visible or hidden, in a cool RxJava way.
Reactive events and properties with RxJava for Android.