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Ready to use one time password component.

Oct 2, 2017

AndroidPinning is a standalone Android library project that facilitates certificate pinning for SSL connections from Android apps, in order to minimize dependence on Certificate Authorities.

Jul 5, 2014

The easiest way to integrate BLE on your Android projects! This library makes the use of BLE easy and painless, handling known errors and mistakes for you! It's also thread safe by taking advantage of the Coroutine Api!

And if you thought it was already too good to be true, check this out, it automatically handles the pain of Permission checking and request, determining whether the Bluetooth LE hardware is present on the running device, Bluetooth adapter activation and location services activation. All of that using the state-of-the-art implementations, no Settings screen showed! Instead, your user will see a beautiful and native popup with minimum effort to enable such features.

Using 100% Kotlin, Coroutines, JetPack Contracts, Google Settings Api and more!

Mar 13, 2021