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We could not find any project with the given search parameters, but maybe the following projects can be interesting for you.

AndroidTampering is a library that provides an extra layer of security to your Android application. This library protects your application against simple tampering attacks. Please note that this protection methods can also be hacked. So, besides the tampering protection, don't forget to add all the other security recommendations.

Jan 20, 2016

JDXA is an innovative, flexible, and easy-to-use Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) product that simplifies and accelerates the development of Android applications by providing intuitive, object-oriented access to on-device relational (e.g., SQLite) data.

Adhering to some well thought-out KISS Principles, JDXA boosts developer productivity and reduces maintenance hassles by eliminating endless lines of tedious SQL code.

JDXA provides a simple, non-intrusive, and flexible ORM solution. JDXA easily supports inheritance, one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships and offers a POJO (Plain Old Java Objects) friendly non-intrusive programming model, which does not require you to change your Java classes in any way:

  • No need to subclass your domain classes from any base class
  • No need to clutter your source code with annotations
  • No need for DAO classes
  • No source code generation
  • No pre-processing or post-processing of your code
Sep 25, 2015

This is an Android project. You, as a mobile developer, can use this library to show a material about screen in your apps. It was build to make your life easier when introducing you to your users, and also, to create a about screen pattern for material android apps. It's really simple and dynamic, check it out.

Feb 13, 2017