A simple Android template that lets you create an Android project quickly.
This is a simple Kotlin Coroutines vs. RxJava sample. It calls SpaceX's api to get the next launch's details.
This project demonstrates Android Architecture Components (Viewodel, Livedata) and Dagger for dependency Injection in Kotlin.
Basic implementation of Android Recycler View purely written in Kotlin.
Stopwatch is the simple Timer app for Android, which is developed using Kotlin.
This demo aims shows practical way of clean architecture, MVP in android with Kotlin.
A Kotlin android sample with rxjava, okhttp and retrofit.
Clean MVP Architecture with Dagger2 + Retrofit2 + Fresco + GenericRecyclerAdapter for Kotlin.
This repo contains demo module which retrieves mars images from the NASA API. The main purpose of the repo is to reduce the time spent on starting a new project or adding new modules to your existing project. You can add new modules with just 2-3 clicks without writing any code.
Android Studio template for Kotlin with MVP + Dagger2 + Retrofit2.
Getting started with Kotlin And third-party libraries Glide, Dagger 2, Retrofit 2, Realm, RxJava and MVP architecture on Android.
An example for who are all going to start learning Kotlin programming language to develop Android application.