A Jetpack Compose library to fully convert Android's Spanned into AnnotatedString.
You can use this library to display Html.fromHtml(String) on Compose Text, Exactly similar to what was previously displayed on Android TextView
Squircle IDE is a fast and free multi-language code editor for Android.
For formatting text in android like what whatsapp does. Any text enclosed with s will be bolded, any text enclosed within _s will be italicized. Example : "Hello* World!" will become "Hello World"with Hello bolded and "_Hello _ World!" will become "Hello World" with Hello italicized.
RTL marquee text view android right to left moving text - persian - farsi - arabic - urdo
A simple library for number shortening into appropriate SI units.
Convert numbers to Persian words.
can be converted to Persian words using this library From Zero to Vigintillion or moreByte
, Short
, Int
, Long
, Float
, Double
, BigInteger
, BigDecimal
A simple way to format text fields without getting affected by input filters.
blitz is a very lightweight Android library that allows you to set a self-updating string with relative time (e.g. 5 minutes ago) in TextView
in just one line of code.
DOESN'T require using custom TextView
It will not overheadly update your TextView
: e.g. if your relative time is 5 minutes ago
then blitz will send update only after one minute, not every second. The same with others time units: hours updates once an hour, etc.
Don't be scared to use it in your ViewHolder
s, 'cause blitz won't let anything leak and will take care of the system resources.
An auto-formatted edittext android to Indonesia Rupiah Currency.
AppCompatEditText with auto formatting currencies.
Humanizer allows you to display data in a human-readable format for simplicity.
format you can show relevant date representation.EditText component for currency types. Handles decimal and thousand separators for different locales.
Lightweight android library for highlighting Strings inside of a textview (ignoring case), with optional callbacks.
You can convert all numbers between English, Persian, and Arabic using this library. It's simple and reliable to use it with Java or Kotlin.
Simple Android Kotlin lib to highligt links in TextView
JustifiedTextView is an android view that justifies the text. Gives support to older Android versions because "setJustificationMode" was introduced until API 26.
Yuga parses text for any date format and returns the date object. No need to know format type.
A rich text editor (based on QuillJs and MRichTextEditor) ported to Kotlin.
The Simple Number Separator is the lightweight library for separate number with coma in android or dot or dynamically by your locale device.
DateTimeTemplate is date/time formatting library supporting formatting placeholders, i.e. Today is %DDD%, %k%:%ii% %a%
once formatted would produce Today is Wednesday, 6:21a
. Supports abbreviated day/month names, 12/24hrs clocks, leading-zero values and localization.
Simple currency formatter for Android EditText
Android component that solve the problem with not auto fitting content to the boundaries.
Working on scaling instead of font size changing. Can operate on any view inside the container.
Simple java library for displaying date/time as relative time ago language.
SRML: "String Resource Markup Language"
Mark up your Android string resources with an impressive suite of formatting tags.
The library allows to format user input on the fly according to the provided mask and to extract valueable characters.
WhatsappFormatter repo helps to perform formatting just like whatsapp does it on its EditText
and TextView