Changing colors of drawable icons by reusing the single icon with different colors.
An Android Library to parse Icon Packs installed on the device, and fetch their icons.
Change Android launcher App Icon and App Name programmatically.
Nice and simple customizable implementation of Google style up/down arrow.
Animated notification alert icon and more animated icons is coming..
Handles the drawable binding and position on View, EditText, ImageView or TextView. Also can change the icon color, alpha and size using a SelectorDrawable.
Lib that imports all the vector drawables from into your R.drawable/
A simple, animated icon to use when interacting with the fingerprint reader.
Animated icons implemented using AnimatedVectorDrawable
Material letter icon with colorful background. It also supports images usage for user contacts.
Material letter icon with circle background. Replicates android L contacts icon view.
A library containing over 1000 material vector icons that can be easily used as Drawable or as a standalone View. Tired of having to search for and generate png resources every time you want to test something? This library puts an end to that burden and makes swapping icons a breeze, check out the usage below and you'll see why.
Are you tired of searching images for your Android app and copying each image file into its own drawable folder? I had the same problem and each icon I have copied I thought that I am wasting my time. Especially when Google published their big "Material Design Icon" pack. Nearly 70,000 icons in too many folders. So I thought that I need a tool which reads all icons of a folder and give me the chance to copy them easily into my project drawable folder. And here it is :-)
WeatherIconView is an Android library providing custom view for displaying weather icon.
DynamicCalendar library generates a custom calendar icon based on the date you provide. You can also change the background template of the generated date icon.
You can specify the font's typeface, size, position, color and the empty calendar icon.
Android Developer Icons is a custom icon set, included are:
android-material-icons allows you to include any of the Material Design icons in your texts, your ActionBar, and even in your EditTexts. Icons are infinitely scalable, and customizable with shadows and everything you can do on texts.
Android-Iconics is a library to use (almost) any alternative iconfont in your projects. It allows you to add any Android-Iconics compatible typeface-library-addon to your project and you are able to start using that font.
IconicDroid is a custom Android Drawable
which allows to draw icons from several iconic font.
droidicon provides over 1600 customizable icons, 25 ready-made social badges and more! droidicon makes it super easy to add icons and badges to your app. All of the social badges are already styled.
Just add them to your app! Or you can customize the icons however you want.
This library enables you to create a window icon similar to Facebooks chat icon, and also similar to the Link Bubble app.
Magnet takes care of all the touching and dragging of the window icon, leaving you with callbacks so you can save your time doing the important stuff.
material-design-icons are the official open-source icons featured in the Google Material Design specification.
What's included?
Forecast / DarkSky's Skycons, Animated Weather icons recreated for Android.