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This library uses this idea to implement in-memory storage. There are two simple principles:

  • MapMemory is a singleton, and it is shared between many consumers
  • MapMemory holds data but not knows what data it holds
Jan 23, 2022


  • FFmpeg for Android compiled with x264, libass, fontconfig, freetype and fribidi
  • Supports Android L

Supported Architecture:

  • armv7
  • armv7-neon
  • x86
Sep 12, 2014

This is a Customer support chat library built using Smack API that you can add to your Android applications.

Once I was in search of a customer support chat library that I could embed in my Android app easily without writing much code and without taking much time. I couldn't find any. So later I made this library to accomplish that task. Try using it. Try experimenting with it.

How it works?
You need to enter your XMPP server details, details of your user's XMPP account and XMPP id of the customer support executive sitting somewhere else on an XMPP client. The library opens a chat window for your app user and the customer support executive to chat.

Jun 6, 2017