Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

Snippet is an extensible android library to measure execution times of the code sections in a way that does not compromise with the readability and can be shipped to production without any additional setup. New behaviours can be added in the library by extending Execution paths. 2 execution paths provided with the library are: - MeasuredExecutionPath - The code path the does the measurement code spans - ReleaseExecutionPath - A no-op path (default path) that is usually installed in the release variants.


  • Easy to integrate and configure
  • Switch behavior depending on build type
  • Reduces boiler plate
  • Data reuse
  • Makes PR reviews more quantitative
  • APK size impact of 23KB
  • Designed to be thread safe & null safe
  • Rich API
  • Fully documented, just run java docs!
Jan 1, 2022

A RecyclerView that can switch between items and placeholders.

Nov 14, 2020

A simple graph library with more control for users.

  • Take the full control over drawing the path.
  • Change the gradient (start/end) color
  • Change the circle color and radius
  • Change the path color and line thickness
  • Switch On/Off Gridlines (change the grid line color)
  • Switch On/Off Graduations (change the graduation text color)
  • Draw graph with different starting point and from the left border (X0 - coordinate)
  • Draw the graph with exact coordinates given and from left border (and stretch until the end of the screen)
Jul 29, 2020

Validator box library that can inspect any type of form, provides multiple validation functions with an inclusion of clearing views(❁´◡`❁) It would help developers to get two different functionalities i.e validate and clear.

  • Get started from validation, this library provides multiple functionality having 10+ validate functions. The user have an authority to validate whole form or even single view, procedure is described below. The view includes: Edittext, RadioGroup, Checkbox (include Multi checklist), Spinner
  • Secondly, it also provides multiple functions to clear whole form views or single view that are filled. The clearing functionality is work for all above described views including Switch (Toggle)
Mar 23, 2020

FlipTabs is a lightweight library that contains a 2-tab view that switches using flip animation.

Dec 2, 2019

A custom RecyclerView with in-built Facebook's Shimmer to indicate that views are loading with support to switch layout manager in runtime. This ShimmerRecyclerView also supports multiple view types for loading.

Apr 7, 2019

An infinite card switching UI for Flutter, supports custom animation.

Apr 5, 2019

A nice looking switch for on/off and two states operations

Mar 26, 2019

An Android animated switch button.

Jan 18, 2019

Android implementation of custom switch animation.

Jan 15, 2019

AutoSwitchView, a view animating between two items for Android, supports multiple switching animations or you can customize your own strategy of animations. And its child view can be reused.

Dec 18, 2018

A simple layout working as a switch on-off button.

Nov 6, 2018

RxJava and RxKotlin bindings for Biometric Prompt (Fingerprint Scanner) on Android (added in Android 9 Pie, API Level 28+)

"If your app is drawing its own fingerprint auth dialogs, you should switch to using the BiometricPrompt API as soon as possible."

It's an official statement from Google Android Developers Blog. RxBiometric helps you to do that via RxJava stream!

Oct 19, 2018

This library provides you Reveal Animation on toggle of RevealSwitch.

Oct 1, 2018

Library to help you switch between different locales in your app without having to recreate() activity for the changes to take affect.

Apr 20, 2018

Android library that lets developers modify configuration class(es) at runtime. Useful in situations when app's behaviour changes depending on fields in configuration class like theme switcher, user credentials, various flags, etc. Developers can alter these fields without recompiling source code.


Apr 10, 2018

Custom Navigation Drawer Library to navigate through option tabs with smooth slide.

It has smooth zoom-in, zoom-out animation when switched from one fragment to another.

Apr 4, 2018

EasySettings is a library to help you add and maintain settings (AKA preferences) to your Android app. This library is designed to be as similar as possible to the "standard" way of creating and maintaining settings but much easier to implement and includes some extra features.

Available Settings (Quick Overview)

  1. BasicSettingsObject
  2. CheckBoxSettingsObject
  3. SwitchSettingsObject
  4. HeaderSettingsObject
  5. SeekBarSettingsObject
  6. EditTextSettingsDialog
  7. ListSettingsDialog (can be single-choice or multi-choice)
Apr 2, 2018

aDateSwitcher is a custom android view that switches to your desired date range returns a Map<DateRange,Date> of top and bottom date values.

Mar 17, 2018

A custom switch Android library.

Feb 22, 2018