Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

A simple Android template that lets you create an Android project quickly.

  • 100% Kotlin-only template
  • Following Clean Architecture approach
  • Following MVVM Architectural Design Pattern
  • Hilt - Dependency Injection framework
  • Transition - Animation
  • Paging V3 - Pagination
  • View Binding - View Binding
  • OkHttp3 - Network interceptor
  • Retrofit - HTTP client
  • Glide - Loading images
  • Gson - JSON library
  • Material Components - Material Design
  • Lottie - Vector animation library
  • Kotlin DSL - Alternative syntax to the Groovy DSL
  • Detekt - Static code analysis for Kotlin
  • Gradle Doctor - Gradle build scan plugin
  • Navigation - Navigate through the app
  • LeakCanary - Memory leak detection
  • Chucker - An HTTP inspector for Android & OkHTTP
  • StrictMode - A developer tool which detects things you might be doing by accident
  • Dark/Light Theme - Support dark/light themes
Jan 21, 2022

A simple Android library for written in Kotlin using Retrofit.

Jan 14, 2022

Android Resource Manager application to manage and analysis your app resources with many features like image resize, Color, Dimens and code Analysis.

Apr 3, 2021

A heuristic evasion library for Android. A KTX scoping function that prevents code from analysis.

Oct 1, 2020

Demo application with statistics of some cryptocurrencies from CoinMarketCap API.

Nov 24, 2019

Turkish Bitcoin stock market library.

Market List:

  • BtcTurk Api
  • Koineks Api
  • Paribu Api
  • SistemKoin Api
Jul 1, 2019

A library for encryption/decryption and digitally media (photo/video) signing/verifying.

Jun 30, 2019

A kotlin-friendly library in functional programming style with ability to measure elapsed time for: - methods - code blocks - RxJava chains

Also it provides StatsCollector plugin, to store measurements into db, calculate average, median, max and min values. With ability export to CSV file, to make analysis easier.

It has release and debug implementation.

Apr 1, 2019

Simplegraph is an Android library for custom view that can generate graphs similar to the ones you see on coin trading / exchange sites.

Dec 2, 2018

Navigation pattern like in Google News Stand app with transitions

Sep 23, 2018

CryptoPrefs is the new cutting edge Andorid library for storing encrypted preferences securely and keeping them apart from indiscrete user's eyesights.

Your keys and values are encrypted using AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding algorithm and wrapped up using standard Base64 encoding. This library focus is put on reliability, security, lightness and speed.

Jun 23, 2018

A sample app written with Kotlin to demonstrate the usage of Android Architecture Components and MVVM architecture. News feed is obtained from New York Times API

Jan 6, 2018

Armadillo is an shared preferences implementation encrypting it's content. It should be easy to achieve a fairly high level security while still be able to control most aspects.


  • No-Nonse State-of-the-Art Crypto: Authenticated Encryption with AES-GCM, key derivation functions Bcrypt and HKDF
  • Flexible: Tons of nobs and switches while having sane defaults
  • Modular: use your own implementation of symmetric cipher, key stretching, data obfuscation, etc.
  • Lightweight: No massive dependencies required like BouncyCastle or Facebook Conceal
Jan 4, 2018

Static code analysis for Java and Groovy projects using Checkstyle, PMD, FindBugs and CodeNarc. Plugin implements unified console output for all quality plugins which greatly simplifies developer workflow: only console is required for working with violations and makes it feel the same as java compiler errors.

Dec 24, 2017

Secure and efficient cryptography library for Android. (Auto fix SecureRandom bugs in API 18 and below.)


  • AES-256 encryption algorithm
  • CBC/CTR mode of operations
  • Block padding with PKCS7 (only with CBC)
  • Computationally secure random salt (of cipher block size)
  • Password stretching with PBKDF2
  • Random IV generated on each encryption (16 bytes)
  • Supports MD5, SHA1, and SHA2 hash functions
  • Generate secure keys with SecureRandom or
  • Asymmetric encryption with RSA
  • Auto handle large data by using hybrid asymmetric encryption
  • Supported RSA key sizes are 2048 bits and 4096 bits
Sep 21, 2017

This little Project written by Kotlin used Retrofit and Rxjava and so on. Pull data from Readhub which is a news aggregator website in China.

Sep 7, 2017

A tool to analysis Android/Java project dependencies.

Aug 13, 2017

Storing Credentials securely on a Device is a must. To make that possible we have combined the Android Keystore for generating Cryptographic keys, and storing them securely and using those keys we encrypt the credentials and save them in the SharedPreferences.

Apr 25, 2017

An APK analysis tools.

Apr 23, 2017

Encryptor4j consists of a set of wrapper and utility classes that make leveraging cryptography in your application alot easier.

It enables developers to encrypt and decrypt with little room for error, using few lines of code and supports all popular encryption algorithms such as AES, DES, RSA etc.

Apr 12, 2017