MaterialIntroView v2


2.2.0 (Apr 30, 2020)
Feb 6, 2020
Jun 2, 2022 (Retired)
Shripal Jain (shripal17)
Yann Badoual (badoualy)
Santiago Castro (bryant1410)
Mert Şimşek (iammert)
Murat Can BUR (muratcanbur)
Pierfrancesco Soffritti (PierfrancescoSoffritti)
François Dexemple (filol)
Shripal Jain (shripal17)
Yu Chen Hou (yucombinator)
Thomas Kioko (thomaskioko)
Source code


NOW ARCHIVED [02 June 2022]

I am sorry, but I no longer work on native Android, hence won't be able to maintain this repository. I now primarily work on Flutter


Beautiful and highly customisable material-design based android library to help your users get started with your awesome app! Based originally on iammert/MaterialIntroView.

Modifications/additions from the base lib:

  • Migrate to AndroidX
  • Migrated to Kotlin
  • Add customisation options like help icon color, card background color, dot icon color
  • Update Sample
  • Custom align text in info card
  • Custom help icon in info card
  • Custom typeface for info text
  • Custom Info View inside info card (using view or layout resource)
  • Kotlin extension function for activity
  • Full integration with MaterialIntroConfiguration
  • Enhanced MaterialIntroListener, know when user has clicked or MIV was dismissed because it was set as saved
  • Add option (userClickAsDisplayed) to set view intro as displayed only if user clicks on target view or outside too (if dismissOnTouch is enabled)
  • More kotlin friendly
  • Add Sequence (Added in v2.1.0)
  • Singleton-based approach for unified experience across your app
  • Bug fixes
  • Add skip button for sequence with custom button attributes / button location using SkipLocation (BETA) (Added in v2.1.1)
  • CircularReveal animation for MIV show/hide


Sample APK can be found in the Releases Section


Upgrading to v2.2.0 will break your imports. This is because I have re-organized the extension methods. Please fix the imports by removing them from the import block and re-importing using Android Studio's Alt+Enter


Through bintray

  1. Add to project-level build.gradle
buildscript {
allProjects {
  repositories {
    maven { url "" }
  1. Add to module-level build.gradle
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.codertainment.materialintro:materialintroview-v2:2.2.0'

Through JitPack

buildscript {
allProjects {
  repositories {
    maven { url "" }
  1. Add to module-level build.gradle
dependencies {
  implementation 'com.github.shripal17:MaterialIntroView-v2:2.2.0'


Please check Releases

Single Usage in Activity/Fragment

val miv = materialIntro(show = true /* if you want to show miv instantly */) {
      maskColor = Color.BLUE
      delayMillis = 300

      isFadeInAnimationEnabled = true
      isFadeOutAnimationEnabled = true
      fadeAnimationDurationMillis = 300

      focusType = Focus.ALL
      focusGravity = FocusGravity.CENTER

      padding = 24 // in px

      dismissOnTouch = false

      isInfoEnabled = true
      infoText = "Hello this is help message"
      infoTextColor = Color.BLACK
      infoTextSize = 18f
      infoTextAlignment = View.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      infoTextTypeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
      infoCardBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE

      isHelpIconEnabled = true
      helpIconResource = R.drawable.your_icon
      helpIconDrawable = yourDrawable
      helpIconColor = Color.RED

      infoCustomView = yourViewHere
      infoCustomViewRes = R.layout.your_custom_view_here

      isDotViewEnabled = true
      isDotAnimationEnabled = true
      dotIconColor = Color.WHITE

      viewId = "unique_id" // or automatically picked from view's tag
      targetView = viewToBeFocusedHere

      isPerformClick = false

      showOnlyOnce = true
      userClickAsDisplayed = true

      shapeType = ShapeType.CIRCLE
// if you want to show it later


Name Description Default Value
maskColor The background color 46% Transparent
delayMillis Delay in ms for MIV (MaterialIntroView) to be shown 500
isFadeInAnimationEnabled Enable fade-in animation for MIV true
isFadeOutAnimationEnabled Enable fade-out animation for MIV true
focusGravity FocusGravity.CENTER, FocusGravity.LEFT or FocusGravity.RIGHT FocusGravity.CENTER
focusType Focus.ALL, Focus.MINIMUM or Focus.NORMAL Focus.NORMAL
padding Padding (in px) for focusing the target view 10
dismissOnTouch Dismiss intro when user touches anywhere false
isInfoEnabled Whether to show info CardView true
infoText Text (CharSequence) to be displayed in info CardView Empty Text
infoTextColor Text Color for info text textColorPrimary
infoTextSize Text size in sp for info text 16sp
infoTextAlignment Text alignment for info text View.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER
infoTextTypeface Custom typeface for info text Typeface.DEFAULT
infoCardBackgroundColor Info CardView background color Inherit from active theme
isHelpIconEnabled Whether to show the help icon in Info CardView true
helpIconColor Tint help Icon Black
helpIconResource Custom drawable Resource for help icon NA
helpIconDrawable Custom drawable for help icon NA
infoCustomView Custom view to be displayed inside info CardView NA
infoCustomViewRes Custom layout resource id to be inflated inside CardView NA
isDotViewEnabled Whether to show a dot at the centre of focus view true
isDotAnimationEnabled Whether to zoom-in and zoom-out dot icon periodically true
dotIconColor Tint Dot Icon textColorPrimaryInverse
viewId Unique ID of View so that MIV doesn't show again 2nd time onwards (if showOnlyOnce is enabled) Automatically picked from view's tag
targetView View to be focused on NA
isPerformClick Click on the focused view when dismissing false
showOnlyOnce MIV should be shown only once true
userClickAsDisplayed MIV should be set as displayed only when user dismisses MIV manually, else MIV will be set as displayed as soon as it is rendered true
shapeType ShapeType.CIRCLE or ShapeType.RECTANGLE ShapeType.CIRCLE
customShape Use custom shape (Usage to be updated) NA
materialIntroListener Callback when user dismisses a view or it is not shown because it was set as displayed Current activity/fragment if it implements MaterialIntroListener
skipLocation Location of skip button on the screen SkipLocation.BOTTOM_LEFT or SkipLocation.BOTTOM_RIGHT or SkipLocation.TOP_LEFT or SkipLocation.TOP_RIGHT SkipLocation.BOTTOM_LEFT
skipText Skip Button Text "Skip"
skipButtonStyling Custom styling to be applied for the skip button (lambda function as member val) NA


In your activity/fragment:

class GravityFragment : Fragment(), MaterialIntroListener {
   * @param onUserClick is true when MIV has been dismissed through user click, false when MIV was previously displayed and was set as saved
   * @param viewId Unique ID of the target view
  override fun onIntroDone(onUserClick: Boolean, viewId: String) {
    // your action here

Configuration Method

//Create global config instance to not write same config again and again.
val config = MaterialIntroConfiguration().apply {
      maskColor = Color.BLUE
      delayMillis = 300

      isFadeInAnimationEnabled = true
      isFadeOutAnimationEnabled = true
      fadeAnimationDurationMillis = 300

      focusType = Focus.ALL
      focusGravity = FocusGravity.CENTER

      padding = 24 // in px

      dismissOnTouch = false

      isInfoEnabled = true
      infoText = "Hello this is help message"
      infoTextColor = Color.BLACK
      infoTextSize = 18f
      infoTextAlignment = View.TEXT_ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      infoTextTypeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD
      infoCardBackgroundColor = Color.WHITE

      isHelpIconEnabled = true
      helpIconResource = R.drawable.your_icon
      helpIconDrawable = yourDrawable
      helpIconColor = Color.RED

      infoCustomView = yourViewHere
      infoCustomViewRes = R.layout.your_custom_view_here

      isDotViewEnabled = true
      isDotAnimationEnabled = true
      dotIconColor = Color.WHITE

      viewId = "unique_id" // or automatically picked from view's tag
      targetView = viewToBeFocusedHere

      isPerformClick = false

      showOnlyOnce = true
      userClickAsDisplayed = true

      shapeType = ShapeType.CIRCLE
      // skip customisations are only used when showSkip = true is set in MaterialIntroSequence
      skipLocation = SkipLocation.TOP_RIGHT
      skipText = "Skip"
      skipButtonStyling = {
        // apply custom styling for here
        // strokeWidth = 5
        // setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(requireContext(), R.color.colorAccent))
materialIntro(config = config)

Sequence (Added in v2.1.0)

Using MaterialIntroSequence, you can create a flow for intro view easily in your activity/fragments. Suppose your activity has multiple fragments and each fragment has some or the other view on which you want to show MIV but you want a specific sequence to be followed. In such cases, MaterialIntroSequence is your savior!

The usage is quite simple, call the extension function from your activity/fragment and add MaterialIntroConfiguration objects to it:

class YourFragment: Fragment(), MaterialIntroSequenceListener {

  override fun onResume() {
    * Create/get MaterialIntroSequence for the current fragment's activity
     * If your Activity/Fragment implements MaterialIntroSequenceListener, it is automatically assigned as materialIntroSequenceListener for the current created instance
     * @param initialDelay delay for the first MIV to be shown
     * @param materialIntroSequenceListener listener for MaterialIntroSequence events
     * @param showSkip Whether to show the skip button for MIVs
     * @param persistSkip If enabled, once the user clicks on skip button, all new MIVs will be skipped too, else even after the user clicks on skip
     * button and new MIVs are added after that, for e.g. for another fragment, the new MIVs will be shown
    materialIntroSequence(initialDelay = 1000, showSkip = true, persistSkip = true) {
      addConfig {
        viewId = "viewId1"
        infoText = "Help for viewId1"
        infoCardBackgroundColor = Color.GREEN
        helpIconColor = Color.BLUE
        infoTextColor = Color.BLACK
        dotIconColor = Color.RED
        targetView = view1
        skipLocation = SkipLocation.TOP_RIGHT
        skipText = "Skip"
        skipButtonStyling = {
          // apply custom styling for here
          // strokeWidth = 5
          // setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(requireContext(), R.color.colorAccent))
      addConfig {
        viewId = "viewId2"
        infoText = "Help for viewId2"
        infoCardBackgroundColor = Color.GREEN
        helpIconColor = Color.BLUE
        infoTextColor = Color.BLACK
        dotIconColor = Color.RED
        targetView = view2
        skipLocation = SkipLocation.TOP_RIGHT
        skipText = "Skip"
        skipButtonStyling = {
          // apply custom styling for here
          // strokeWidth = 5
          // setBackgroundColor(ContextCompat.getColor(requireContext(), R.color.colorAccent))
   * @param onUserClick if the MIV was dismissed by the user on click or it was auto-dismissed because it was set as displayed
   * @param viewId viewId for the dismissed MIV
   * @param current index of the dismissed MIV
   * @param total Total number of MIVs in the current MaterialIntroSequence
  override fun onProgress(onUserClick: Boolean, viewId: String, current: Int, total: Int) {
    toast("click: $onUserClick\nviewId: $viewId\ncurrent: $current\ntotal: $total")

   * Called when all MIVs in the current MaterialIntroSequence have been dismissed
  override fun onCompleted() {
    toast("Tutorial Complete")

Use Custom Shapes

You can use your own highlight shapes if Circle and Rectangle do not work for you. See source for Circle and Rect for implementation example.

TODO update doc

More Screenshots

Default config Right align gravity RecyclerView item
Focus All Focus Minimum Focus Normal
Toolbar Item with sequence and custom colors Custom Info View using resource layout Custom Info View at runtime
Sequence with multiple fragments Skip Button at Bottom Right Position with dotIconColor partially transparent Skip Button at Top Right position

Full Demo GIF



Murat Can BUR

Shripal Jain (Me)


Apps using this library

Create a new issue to add your app here


Copyright 2020 Shripal Jain

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.