A Type-Safe, Model-Based All-In-One Android REST API Client / ImageLoader
Bumerang is a Java based, Android HTTP client which is inspired by Retrofit and Volley. It has additional features like ImageView loading and custom cache key/timeout values for network requests. Main aim of this library is ease of use with solidity. It automatically converts http responses to your Java/Kotlin models (through Gson library), so you can focus on the functionality of your app.
It is listed under REST category of android-arsenal : https://android-arsenal.com/details/1/8034
GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requests supported.
It uses Google/Gson Library to map json responses to Java/Kotlin models.
Caching is enabled for all requests(memory+disk). Therefore, app can show the last available data when phone's network is unavailable
Custom cache key supported, so you can skip some parameters/headers for caching side.
No-Cache is also supported. You may need it for one-shot requests for instance.
BumerangImageLoader and BumerangImageView is included. It caches (memory+disk), and shows the remote images with one line of code.
There is no need to use image loading libraries like Glide, Volley, Picasso.
Minimum API level is 14.
Supports Java/Kotlin.
It has just one dependency Google/gson
Initialization of Bumerang:
Library hosted by jcenter thanks to Bintray. You need to have jcenter() repo inside root level build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
Add it to your app's gradle file:
implementation 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.6'
implementation 'com.kokteyl.bumerang:bumerang:1.0.1'
It is good to initialize it in Application class:
public class MyApp extends Application {
final String baseAPIUrl = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/";
/* should end with '/' */
public void onCreate() {
Bumerang bumerang = new Bumerang.Builder(getApplicationContext(),baseAPIUrl).build();
Bumerang bumerang = new Bumerang.Builder(getApplicationContext(),baseAPIUrl).executor(custom Executor).gson(custom Gson).build();
Rest API Contract:
You need to create an interface class which can be considered as a contract between your REST API and Android app. Sample API interface could be like the following:
IMPORTANT: Last parameter always should be Response listener object.
public Request getItem(@CustomCacheKey String cacheKey,@Body RequestModel obj, @Path("id") String id, ResponseListener<Response<ResponseModel>> listener);
public Request getItems(ResponseListener<Response<List<ResponseModel>>> listener);
public Request postItemForm(@Headers Map<String, String> headers, @Body RequestModel obj, ResponseListener<Response<PostResponseModel>> listener);
@FormURLEncoded //application/x-www-form-url-encoded
public Request postItemForm(@Headers Map<String, String> headers, @Body JsonObject obj, ResponseListener<Response<PostResponseModel>> listener);
//Default: application/json
public Request postItem(@Headers Map<String, String> headers, @Body JsonObject obj, ResponseListener<Response<PostResponseModel>> listener);
//Default: application/json
public Request postItem(@Headers Map<String, String> headers, @Body RequestModel obj, ResponseListener<Response<PostResponseModel>> listener);
@Timeout(read = 3000, connect = 3000)
public Request putItem(@Path("id") String id, ResponseListener<Response<ResponseModel>> listener);
public Request deleteItem(@Header("token") String headerValue, @Path("id") String id, ResponseListener<Response<ResponseModel>> listener);
Usage in Activity/Fragments:
You can see sample folder to see other usages.
public class TestActivity extends Activity {
// It would be better to construct your API in Application class instead of Activity class.
public MyAPI api;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
api = (MyAPI) Bumerang.get().initAPI(MyAPI.class); // you must initialize your endpoints before use.
public void testPost() {
Map<String, String> headerMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
headerMap.put("token", "post json header");
final Request request = api.postItem( headerMap, json, new ResponseListener<Response<PostResponseModel>>() {
public void onSuccess(Response<PostResponseModel> response) {
PostResponseModel respModel = response.getResponse();
public void onError(Response<PostResponseModel> response) {
// Distinctive feature! You can use your last successful response object
if(response.getCache() != null) {
PostResponseModel cachedObj = response.getCache().getResponse();
public void testGet() {
api.getItem("todo_1",null, "1", new ResponseListener<Response<ResponseModel>>() {
public void onSuccess(Response<ResponseModel> response) {
ResponseModel respModel = response.getResponse();
public void onError(Response<ResponseModel> response) {
Cancel a Request:
final Request request = api.postItem( headerMap, json, new ResponseListener<Response<PostResponseModel>>() {
public void onSuccess(Response<PostResponseModel> response) {
PostResponseModel respModel = response.getResponse();
public void onError(Response<PostResponseModel> response) {
Image Loader
String imageUrl = "https://img.fanatik.com.tr/img/78/740x418/5c35f72c66a97cf10843a95f.jpg";
// Default ImageView Usage
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageview);
Bumerang.get().loadImage(imageView, imageUrl);
Supported Annotations for your API interface
Method Annotations:
// you can override baseUrl which you provided at library initialization for specific endpoints.
public Request testEndpoint(@Path("id") String id, ResponseListener<Response<ResponseModel>> listener);
public Request testEndpoint(@Path("id") String id, ResponseListener<Response<ResponseModel>> listener);
@Timeout(connect = 5000, read = 5000) // overrides timeout as 5 seconds
public Request testEndpoint(@Path("id") String id, ResponseListener<Response<ResponseModel>> listener);
@FormUrlEncoded (Just for post requests)
@FormURLEncoded // Use for just POST requests. Uses content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
// If does not present, default content-type application/json
public Request testEndpoint(@Path("id") String id, ResponseListener<Response<ResponseModel>> listener);
Parameter Annotations:
public Request getWithBody(@Body RequestModel obj, ResponseListener<Response<ResponseModel>> listener);
public Request getWithBodyAndPath(@Body RequestModel obj, @Path("id") String id, ResponseListener<Response<ResponseModel>> listener);
public Request postWithHeaders(@Headers Map<String, String> headers, @Body RequestModel obj, ResponseListener<Response<PostResponseModel>> listener);
public Request postWithSingleHeader(@Header("token") String headerValue, @Path("id") String id, ResponseListener<Response<ResponseModel>> listener);
public Request getAndCacheWithMyCustomKey(@CustomCacheKey String cacheKey, @Path("id") String id, ResponseListener<Response<ResponseModel>> listener);
Copyright [2020] [Huseyin Anil Ozmen]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.