DaggerBinds helper generator
Boilerplate problem
As you know Dagger matches types exactly. Therefore when you would like to provide an implementation of some interface, you should use @Binds
annotation. Lest see the example:
interface Service {}
class ServiceImp implements Service {
Now we have possibility to inject ServiceImp
, but have no possibility to inject Service
. To have that possibility we need to create Dagger Module like this:
interface BindsModule {
Service bindService(ServiceImp service)
That approach requires writing a large number of boilerplate code.
We propose to generate Generated_BindsModule
based on Java Annotation Processor (APT).
Usage of DaggerBinds
In order to use DaggerBinds library a few simple steps should be done:
- Mark corresponding Classes with
interface Service {}
@BindTo(interfaceType = Service.class)
public class ServiceImp implements Service {
- Add generated module to the root (app) component:
@Component(modules = {Generated_BindsModule.class})
public interface RootComponent {
Service service();
Generated Generated_BindsModule
module will be:
public interface Generated_BindsModule {
Service binds_com_epam_subtypes_single_ServiceImp(ServiceImp com_epam_subtypes_single_ServiceImp);
Usage of Qualifiers
In order to be able to use multi binds DaggerBinds supports 'javax.inject.Named' and your own 'qualifier annotation'. Let see how to use qualifiers annotation:
- Usage of
qualifier annotation:
@BindTo(interfaceType = Repository.class, qualifier = Named.class)
public class RepositoryImpFirst implements Repository {
Generated Generated_BindsModule
module will be:
public interface Generated_BindsModule {
Repository binds_com_epam_subtypes_severalfirst_RepositoryImpFirst(RepositoryImpFirst com_epam_subtypes_severalfirst_RepositoryImpFirst);
- Usage of your own Qualifier annotation:
public @interface ServiceImpQFirst {
@BindTo(interfaceType = Service.class, qualifier = ServiceImpQFirst.class)
public class ServiceImpFirst implements Service {
Generated Generated_BindsModule
module will be:
public interface Generated_BindsModule {
Service binds_com_epam_subtypes_severalfirst_ServiceImpFirst(ServiceImpFirst com_epam_subtypes_severalfirst_ServiceImpFirst);
Gradle dependency:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.epam.daggerbinds:dagger-binds-annotations:1.0.0-alpha1'
annotationProcessor 'com.epam.daggerbinds:dagger-binds-processor:1.0.0-alpha1'
If you are using Kotlin, replace annotationProcessor with kapt. Nevertheless using kapt has one limitation for now. Please see limitations below.
Current limitations
- For the proper work minimum dagger version should be 2.11.
- DaggerBinds doesn't support work with own qualifier annotation with parameters for now.
- In case of kapt usage generated module should be specified in the dagger's [Module] annotation with full name, e.g.
@Component(modules = [com.epam.daggerbinds.bindto.Generated_BindsModule::class])
interface RootComponent {
fun service(): Service