Android 9.0 supported! Please use the lastest release.
VirtualAPK is a powerful yet lightweight plugin framework for Android. It can dynamically load and run an APK file (we call it LoadedPlugin
) seamlessly as an installed application. Developers can use any Class, Resources, Activity, Service, Receiver and Provider in LoadedPlugin
as if they are registered in app's manifest file.
Supported Features
Feature | Detail |
Supported components | Activity, Service, Receiver and Provider |
Manually register components in AndroidManifest.xml | No need |
Access host app classes and resources | Supported |
PendingIntent | Supported |
Supported Android features | Almost all features |
Compatibility | Almost all devices |
Building system | Gradle plugin |
Supported Android versions | API Level 15+ |
Getting started
Host Project
Add a dependency in build.gradle
in root of host project as following.
dependencies {
classpath 'com.didi.virtualapk:gradle:'
Apply plugin in application module of build.gradle
apply plugin: ''
Compile VirtualAPK in application module of build.gradle
compile 'com.didi.virtualapk:core:0.9.8'
Initialize PluginManager
in YourApplication::attachBaseContext()
protected void attachBaseContext(Context base) {
Modify proguard rules to keep VirtualAPK related files.
-keep class com.didi.virtualapk.internal.VAInstrumentation { *; }
-keep class com.didi.virtualapk.internal.PluginContentResolver { *; }
-dontwarn com.didi.virtualapk.**
-dontwarn android.**
-keep class android.** { *; }
Finally, load an APK and have fun!
String pluginPath = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath().concat("/Test.apk");
File plugin = new File(pluginPath);
// Given "com.didi.virtualapk.demo" is the package name of plugin APK,
// and there is an activity called `MainActivity`.
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setClassName("com.didi.virtualapk.demo", "com.didi.virtualapk.demo.MainActivity");
Plugin Project
Add a dependency in build.gradle
in root of plugin project as following.
dependencies {
classpath 'com.didi.virtualapk:gradle:'
Apply plugin in application module of build.gradle
apply plugin: 'com.didi.virtualapk.plugin'
Config VirtualAPK. Remember to put following lines at the end of build.gradle
virtualApk {
packageId = 0x6f // The package id of Resources.
targetHost='source/host/app' // The path of application module in host project.
applyHostMapping = true // [Optional] Default value is true.
Developer guide
- API document wiki
- Sample project PluginDemo
- Read core library source code
- Read Release notes
Known issues
- Notifications with custom layout are not supported in plugin.
- Transition animations with animation resources are not supported in plugin.
Welcome to contribute by creating issues or sending pull requests. See Contributing Guide for guidelines.
Who is using VirtualAPK?
VirtualAPK is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file.