SQLite Generator
A powerful sqlite code generator from sqlite database file for android .中文教程
This repository is a code genarator for Android . By using it, you can generate java codes to read/write sqlite
- This is a standard java application.
- Dev Language: Java
- Dev IDE: IntelliJ_v15.0.2
- Generate map objects(tables and data views) from an existing sqlite file
- Generate API to read/write sqlite (insert,update,delete,query and so on)
- API based on SQLiteOpenHelper and 100% support any SQL statement
- API is super light , expandable and pluggable
- Code quantity is less 60% than GreedDao
- Clone the whole project from github
- Import the project into IntelliJ (Optionally, you can copy the sources to eclipse IDE)
- Set your own models package, api package ,table name format,and the target directory
- Run the project, and you will see the whole generated codes in the target directory
PS: I design my sqlite database file on SQLiteStudio and generate code with this Generator
- Currently , you must set a named "id" column as the table primary key. For more needs, modify the source by yourself.
- You must name your tables or views in a strict format . Currently, Pascal ,Hungarian and Camel format are supported.
- freemarker-2.3.23.jar
- sqlite-jdbc-