Easy to use and highly customizable image picker for Android with helpful extras to deal with outputs. Minimum API 9+, gets better with newer API versions
API 9+ (Gingerbread) functionality:
- Pick image from gallery (using existing apps)
- Use content manager apps (usually file managers) to pick image
- Take picture with device camera (using existing apps)
- Mix and match: allow user to choose from any combination of above
- Save
content to aFile
- Set allowed MIME type of files that can be picked
- Single call to get MIME type and file extension of picked image (from returned Uri)
- Supports activities and fragments (both plain and support ones)
API 11+ (Honeycomb):
- Allow only local content to be picked
API 18+ (Jelly Bean MR2):
- Allow picking multiple images via documents pick source (where supported)
API 19+ (KitKat):
- Additionally use Documents app (API 19+) to pick image from gallery, cloud storage etc.
- Allow multiple MIME types of files that can be picked
Why this library?
- Simple yet powerful API with chained calls
- Activity, Fragment and support Fragment targets for returning picked result
- More functionality (numerous useful operations with
, multiple pick options, etc) - It works with content data type rather than filesystem (solving
issue on API 24+ target)
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
dependencies {
compile ('com.github.aviadmini:quickimagepick:${qip.release.version}'){
// Uncomment next line if you have dependency conflict with AppCompat v7
// exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'appcompat-v7'
Latest release: (Use without 'v')
For detailed explanation refer to Documentation and sample app
Fire pick request
@PickTriggerResult final int triggerResult;
triggerResult = QiPick.in(Activity or Fragment)
.fromMultipleSources("All sources", PickSource.CAMERA, PickSource.DOCUMENTS);
Here triggerResult
defines whether pick request was fired successfully. If not, it can be treated as error code.
Consume result
In onActivityResult
of Activity or Fragment:
private final PickCallback mCallback = new PickCallback() {
public void onImagePicked(@NonNull final PickSource pPickSource, final int pRequestType, @NonNull final Uri pImageUri) {
// Do something with Uri, for example load image into an ImageView
public void onMultipleImagesPicked(final int pRequestType, @NonNull final List<Uri> pImageUris) {
// meh whatever, just show first picked ;D
this.onImagePicked(PickSource.DOCUMENTS, pRequestType, pImageUris.get(0));
public void onError(@NonNull final PickSource pPickSource, final int pRequestType, @NonNull final String pErrorString) {
Log.e(TAG, "Err: " + pErrorString);
public void onCancel(@NonNull final PickSource pPickSource, final int pRequestType) {
Log.d(TAG, "Cancel: " + pPickSource.name());
protected void onActivityResult(final int pRequestCode, final int pResultCode, final Intent pData) {
super.onActivityResult(pRequestCode, pResultCode, pData);
super.onActivityResult(pRequestCode, pResultCode, pData);
QiPick.handleActivityResult(getApplicationContext(), pRequestCode, pResultCode, pData, this.mCallback);
There's a bunch of useful methods to work with Uri
in UriUtils
There's a few extension ideas that might make the library even more useful.
- v3.0 create PickResult that will encapsulate both PickRequest details and pick results
- ability to explicitly add specific file picker components as pick sources
- tell me more ;)
If your app uses this library send me market links ;)
Copyright 2017 Bohdan Semeniuk
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.