This project is deprecated
This project was created in the "support library times". In those days, the support preference library even has visual issues, so I choose to create a modified version.
Is very hard to keep up with the official library and the AndroidX Preference library has the most features of this project (customizable divider, SummaryProvider, OnBindEditTextListener, etc), so I decided to deprecate this project.
About SimpleMenuPreference, I will port it to the AndroidX Preference library. It will be a part of RikkaX (
Based on support-preference from Android Support Library, adding some features.
Add dependencies
below with this)maven { url "" }
First you need to choose whether to use appcompat or not.
For none appcompat users (like me), use packages with "-android" suffix. Note android variant requires API 21+.
implementation 'moe.shizuku.preference:preference-android:<latest-release>'
For appcompat users, use packages with "-appcompat" suffix.
implementation 'moe.shizuku.preference:preference-appcompat:<latest-release>'
If you want to use SimpleMenuPreference, add this. Note android variant requires API 23+. On pre-API 21, SimpleMenu is downgrade to normal list.
// android implementation 'moe.shizuku.preference:preference-simplemenu-android:<latest-release>' // appcompat implementation 'moe.shizuku.preference:preference-simplemenu-appcompat:<latest-release>'
Add theme
to your theme like this.<style name="AppTheme" parent="..."> ... <item name="preferenceTheme">@style/PreferenceThemeOverlay</item> </style>
provides a full example
Changes for v4.0.0
Rearrange packages, split into non-appcompat and appcompat variants. This will reduce the package count and get rid of
or duplicate of resources.preference-android
equals previouspreference
equals previouspreference
preference_category_material.xml paddingTop 16dp -> 24dp
preference_recyclerview.xml id @+id/list -> @android:id/list