GridBuilder is a view builder of Android native view group ——"GridLayout", simply placed GridLayout in the layout,GridBuilder will create the child views by calculator.
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GridBuilderLib: GridBuilder Library
GridBuilderDemo: Application Demo
Library Structure:
/calculator: The calculator of layout
/listener: Listener of GridLayout
/utils: Utils class(currently only in order to generate reflection)
GridBuilder: Library entrance, core class
GridItem: Data objects should extends this abstract class to set the column and rows data
IGridItemView: The child view of GridLayout should implement this interface
- Support Android non-touch devices(Box, TV), support child view focused animation
- Support custom child view position calculator(provided horizontal layout calculator)
- Support vertical and horizontal stretch(need to nested ScrollView or HorizontalScrollView out of GridLayout)
- Support for dynamic reflection
1.Placed the GridLayout in layout.xml
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
2.Custom View should implement IGridItemView
public class TestGridItemView extends View implements IGridItemView {
private GridItem mGridItem;
public TestGridItemView(Context context) {
public TestGridItemView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
public TestGridItemView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
public GridItem getGridItem() {
return mGridItem;
public void setGridItem(GridItem gridItem) {
mGridItem = gridItem;
3.Defined the data object and extends GridItem:
public TestItem extends GridItem {
// can add any variable
4.Get the data list of GridItem, GridItem can included the column and row data:
List<GridItem> gridItemList = new ArrayList<>();
TestItem item = new TestItem();
5.Create layout by GridBuilder:
GridBuilder.newInstance(this, mGridLayout)
// set the scale size of item while item focused
.setScaleSize(10, 10)
// set the item scale animation duration
// set the layout position calculator
.setPositionCalculator(new HorizontalPositionCalculator(5))
// set the default width and height of an item
.setBaseSize(100, 100)
// set the margin between two items
// set the out margin of GridLayout
.setOutMargin(50, 50, 50, 50)
// set the data
// set View Holder(for view reuse after views removed from GridLayout)
// implement the interface to create child view
.setOnCreateViewCallBack(new OnViewCreateCallBack() {
public View onViewCreate(LayoutInflater inflater, GridItem gridItem) {
TestGridItemView view;
if (null == convertView) {
view = new TestGridItemView(mContext);
} else {
view = (TestGridItemView) convertView;
return view;
To be improved:
- Dynamic focus style
- Recycling / child view reuse
- Friendly adapter design pattern
Please feel free to report bugs or ask for help via email.