

Mar 24, 2016
Jul 15, 2019 (Retired)
Sasnee Tech (sasneeBlr)
Sasnee Tech (sasneeBlr)
Anish Hegde (anishhegde)
Source code



A simple easy-to-use debug utility which helps you capture the logs simultaneously to adb terminal as well to a file on SD Card.

Table of Contents

  1. [Gradle Dependency] (
  2. [Features] (
  3. [Usage] (

Gradle Dependency (jCenter)

Easily reference the library in your Android projects using this dependency in your module's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.sasnee.scribo:scribo:1.2.0'


Scribo allows capturing the debug logs of any android application into a file on external storage in addition to displaying it on the adb terminal. This is ideal to capture logs of the application once it is deployed in the field. The captured logs are stored in the external storage directory under the path: <External Storage>/AppData/<application_name>/
(For eg: /storage/emulated/0/AppData/com.sasnee.scribosample/)

Log Masks

Scribo supports 10 categories of log masks by default. This is useful to categorize logs from individual modules of the application and enable/disable them individually. Scribo also supports setting custom strings to identify these default log categories.
For eg: "UI Module" can be mapped to Category 1, "Display Module" can be mapped to Category 2 and so on. Once this is done, the logs belonging to these categories can be dynamically enabled/disabled.

ADB Logging

Scribo can be configured to disable printing the logs on adb terminal and instead only send it to the file. This might be needed in certain scenarios to enhance performance of the application.

Retrieve Log File

Starting v1.2.0, scribo provides with an option to easily retrieve the log file from the device. This new API can be used to send the log file containing the debug logs to be sent from the device. When this API is invoked, user gets a list of services that can be used to send the log file from the device. (Bluetooth, Email, ShareIT etc). If the intention is to email the log file, scribo exposes an API to prepopulate the list of people to whom the email needs to be sent.


  • First, initialize scribo by invoking any of the below init() functions:
 DebugHelper.init(Context, fileName)
 DebugHelper.init(Context, fileName, resetFileContents)


 // Logs are captured into file "logJournal.txt".
 // File contents are reset everytime the application is invoked.
 DebugHelper.init(this, "CapturedLogs.txt");
 // Logs are captured into file "CapturedLogs.txt".
 // File contents are reset everytime the application is invoked.
 DebugHelper.init(this, "CapturedLogs.txt", false); 
 // Logs are captured into file "CapturedLogs.txt".
 // File contents are NOT reset everytime the application is invoked.

Please note the init() function needs to be invoked from the main activity of the application.

  • Override the log mask supported by scribo with a custom log mask. (This is optional)
    DebugHelper.mapCustomLogMask(<Default Category>, <Override String>);


 DebugHelper.mapCustomLogMask(DebugHelper.LOG_CATEGORY_0, "UI Module"); 
 // Map Category 0 to "UI Module"
 DebugHelper.mapCustomLogMask(DebugHelper.LOG_CATEGORY_4, "URL Loader Module"); 
 // Map Category 4 to "URL Loader Module"
  • Enable/Disable the log categories.
 DebugHelper.enableDisableLogCategory(category, isEnable); 


 DebugHelper.enableDisableLogCategory(DebugHelper.LOG_CATEGORY_1, true);
 // Enable Category 1 logs.
 DebugHelper.enableDisableLogCategory("UI Module", false);
 // Disable "UI Module" logs.
  • Send log request to scribo
 updateLogJournalInternal(tag, logEntry, severityLevel);
 // Change the log method from updateLogJournal(...) to updateLogJournalInternal(...) in method logRequest(...)
 //This will log to a file in the internal memory, thereby eliminating the external storage permission
  • Save log file to internal memory
 DebugHelper.logRequest(<TAG>, <Log Message>, <Show on ADB Logs>, <Severity>, <Category>);
 // <TAG> and <Log Message> arguments are mandatory.
 // <Show on ADB Logs>, <Severity> and <Category> are optional.
 // If <Show on ADB Logs> is not provided, it defaults to true, i.e the log will be shown on ADB terminal.
 // If <Severity> is not provided, it defaults to SEVERITY_LEVEL_VERBOSE.
 // If <Category> is not provided, it defaults to LOG_CATEGORY_GENERAL.


 DebugHelper.logRequest(TAG, "Log message");
 DebugHelper.logRequest(TAG, "Log message", false);
 // Do not display this log on the ADB terminal.
 DebugHelper.logRequest(TAG, "Log message", DebugHelper.SEVERITY_LEVEL_ERROR);
 DebugHelper.logRequest(TAG, "Log message", DebugHelper.LOG_CATEGORY_1);
 DebugHelper.logRequest(TAG, "Log message", false, DebugHelper.SEVERITY_LEVEL_WARN, DebugHelper.LOG_CATEGORY_1);
  • Email the log file.
    // Do not prepopulate the "To" field of the email. 
    // Enter the email IDs manually before sending the log file.
    DebugHelper.sendLogFileByEmail(List<String> emailList);
    // Prepopulate the "To" field of the email with the list of emailIDs mentioned in emailList.
    // This saves some effort in case the log file is always meant to be sent to same list of people.
  • Print the log file stored in the internal memory.