This project is a code generator written in Java used to generate Android code. Given a database schema JSON definition file, it will generate all the code you need to add the corresponding ContentProvider in your project.
Architecture of the project
The java project found in the folder 'generator' contains the following folders :
- src : The code used to generate your ContentProvider. Normally you shouldn't have to modify it.
- res : This folder contains snippets of code used by the generator.
- input : This folder contains your database schema JSON definition files. You can have multiple JSON files next to each other. An example and the JSON format are available in the example subfolder.
- output : This is where the generated code will be written. Each generate code will be stored in a folder based on the corresponding JSON file name to separate them.
How to use ContentProviderCodeGenerator
In order to use it, here are the steps to follow :
- Download the current version of the project on your computer using git (
git clone
). - Import the project in the folder 'generator' in your Eclipse workspace.
- Write your JSON definition file. You can use the format file and the example file given in the folder input/example to help you.
- Run the project as a Java application.
- Your classes are available in the output folder
Building/Running from the CLI
mkdir generator/bin
mkdir generator/bin/input
cd generator/bin
ln -s ../res .
javac $(find ../src -name *.java) -d .
mkdir input
cp ../example/sample.json ./input
java com/foxykeep/cpcodegenerator/Main
You can find in the 'sample' folder an example of an Android application which uses the generated ContentProvider
- Add a sample project which uses a generated ContentProvider
Credits and License
Foxykeep (
Licensed under the Beerware License :
You can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.