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Rapidly fast implementation of SharedPreferences which stores each preference in files separately, performs disk IO via NIO with memory mapped byte buffers and works IPC (between processes).

Jun 25, 2017

This library incorporates annotation processing to ensure the compile time verification for user-defined shared preferences.

Every setter/getter method have reactive alternative.

Mar 23, 2019

Android Secure SharedPreferences Using Facebook Conceal Encryption.

Mar 12, 2018

This class simplifies calls to SharedPreferences in a line of code. It can also do more like: saving a list of strings, integers and saving images.

Jun 29, 2016

A live shared preferences library for Android.

Jul 25, 2019

A library to abstract out the preference implementation for Tablets and Phones. It presents a single list of all the preferences on the phone and the usual two pane layout on tablets.

Dec 4, 2016

ShPref is an Android library created to simplify interaction with Shared Preferences.

Nov 29, 2016

Preffy is a library that wraps over Android's native EncryptedSharedPreferences class and gives you a clean and simple API to store the key value pairs. Both keys and values are encrypted, thus adding a security layer to protect your data.

Apr 12, 2020

Simple Android SharedPreferences wrapper.

May 10, 2016

Fast and easy Shared Preferences management with annotated object mapping for simple or complex class structures.

Jan 23, 2020

KryptoPrefs is an open source Kotlin library for handling encrypted SharedPreferences in Android.


  • Lightweight library (~70 KB) with no dependencies.
  • High compatibility (API 9 to API 29).
  • Modular: Use the provided algorithms or make your own.
  • Usable from Java and Kotlin.
  • Supports the Android Keystore.
  • KryptoContext for higher level features:
    • Supported types: string, int, long, boolean, date, double, float, short, byte, char, enum and json.
    • Types can be nullable.
    • Types can be memory backed.
    • Types can be observed.
    • Custom types with your custom transform (e.g. JSON).
    • Asynchronous reads and writes.
Nov 19, 2019

Add syntactic sugar for your Android Preferences.

Oct 6, 2018

CipherSharedPrefs implements SharedPreferences with encryption layer and some new features.

How it works

When you put value to CipherSharedPreferences it is transformed to String and encrypted by provided ICipherHolder object, encrypted string is saved to SharedPreferences delegate.

Mar 26, 2017

A small Shared Preference library for Android.

Jul 24, 2017

SharedPreferenceStore simplifies access to the SharedPreferences by mapping entries to self-contained DAO objects. It supports optional AES encryption.

Feb 25, 2018

EasySettings is a library to help you add and maintain settings (AKA preferences) to your Android app. This library is designed to be as similar as possible to the "standard" way of creating and maintaining settings but much easier to implement and includes some extra features.

Available Settings (Quick Overview)

  1. BasicSettingsObject
  2. CheckBoxSettingsObject
  3. SwitchSettingsObject
  4. HeaderSettingsObject
  5. SeekBarSettingsObject
  6. EditTextSettingsDialog
  7. ListSettingsDialog (can be single-choice or multi-choice)
Apr 2, 2018

An Android library to simplify reading and writing to SharedPreferences, never write code like this anymore prefs.edit().putString("someKey","someString").apply()

Why Bulldog?

  • Avoid boilerplate, error prone code, improve productivity.
  • Write less code, avoid bugs.
  • Easily organize your preferences.
Oct 25, 2018

Easy way to put and get data and Object for the shared preferences in Android.

Nov 2, 2016

A simple library that provides an AES encrypted version of the Android shared preferences.

Mar 5, 2017

Library for securing your SharedPreferences information.

Jun 27, 2015

A SharedPreferences wrapper for Android that encrypts the content with 256 bit AES encryption. The Encryption key is securely stored in device's KeyStore. You can also use the EncryptionManager to encrypt/decrypt data out of the box.

Aug 26, 2016

Kotlin Android Library, that makes preference usage simple and fun.

Feb 15, 2017

A Kotlin library that makes Android SharedPreferences easier to use.

Apr 21, 2019

GoodPrefs is an Android library for easy access to Android Shared Preferences.

Oct 31, 2018
  • Eliminate the whole SharedPreference code
  • Write less code to configure JadeSharedPreference
  • Save multiple values to JadeSharedPrefence at onces
  • Read from JadeSharedPreference using just annotations @Read...)
  • Listen to value changes in realtime
Feb 3, 2019

Easily change theme, background colors, text colors, icon tint colors, custom drawables, NavigationView item colors, TabLayout colors and more...

Feb 3, 2019

Android library to handle POJO as shared Preferences easily.

Mar 6, 2019

This library will simplify usage of SharePreferences in your projects. Let's setup and enjoy!

Dec 24, 2017

TypedValue is a tiny library project to simplify access to SharedPreferences, Bundle or any other key-value storage with it's own KeyValueDelegate.

Apr 1, 2018

Very easy to use wrapper library for Android SharePreferences.

Nov 15, 2015