KittyORM is an Object-Relational Mapping library designed for use with Android and SQLite. It implements Data Mapper pattern design and its main purpose is to simplify interaction with SQLite database in Android applications. Written in Java 7 it supports devices from API level 9 Android.
A simple query builder for Google's ROOM ORM for Android, written in Kotlin.
Krate is a persistence layer that offer CRUD operations for a key-value store and result is delivered through a RxObservable. Additionally you can sync your offline data with a server through Krate's fetch functions.
Build strings expressions and transform it to Realm objects.
Storm was created with intention to be easy to use ORM solution for Android platform. While working for a corporate client we realised that the available tools either expect too much to be done manually, or are super-complicated or just want entities to extend their own.
AndroidQuery is an Android SQLite and ContentProvider ORM powered by an annotation preprocessor. It focus on easy of use without sacrificing performances.
Built-in support for:
SQLite Connection for Android. ORM tool for Android devices. First ORM with Geometric-Spatial data support for Android operating systems.
UPDATE 1.0.3 -> There is relational table support. OneToOne and OneToMany are fully supported.
Simple yet powerful SQLite database layer for Android that makes database handling feel like magic.
droitatedDB is a lightweight framework, which frees you from the burden of dealing with the Android SQLite database directly if you don't want to but lets you access it directly if you need to.
With an annotation based approach you are able to get a database up and running in no time. Simply annotate your data classes and let droitatedDB do the work.
Did you used sqlite to save your data on Android? If you did, you may be puzzled for the complexity of mechanism. Now the Andoird ORM (Aorm) coming which armed to make it simple for the developers.
Reactive database connection for Android based on ORMLite.
Electra for android is simple persistence framework with compile time processing.
Primary design goals:
DroidModel is an android library which provides model abstraction for SQLite database. Trivial database tasks like creating tables, inserting or retrieving are parts of this library.
A light but powerful ORM and SQL query generator for Java/Android with RxJava and Java 8 support.
Orma is a lightning-fast ORM (Object-Relation Mapper) for Android SQLiteDatabase
, generating helper classes at compile time with annotation processing.
Wrapper around ActiveAndroid which introduces reactive queries with SQLBrite.
Content Provider ORM for android. This ORM uses an android sqlite database as a backing store, but interactes with it using content providers. You use it like a normal ORM, by creating java objects, and then do all of you interations through the objects. And you get the added benefits of using it like normal content providers, so integration with list views and other components are simple.
This library adds a layer on top of SQLBrite by providing basically two modules:
A Powerful Android Content Provider ORM. It uses Content Providers to access the data and internally uses SQLite to actually store the data. It can be used as a typical ORM, by creating Java objects and applying some Annotations and/or by extending QuantumFluxRecord
on them and they will be accessed normally and creates ContentProvider
Very simple Object Relationship Mapping framework (ORM) for Android.
DBTools for Android is an Android ORM library that makes it easy to work with SQLite Databases.
SquiDB is a SQLite database layer for Android. It is designed to make it as easy as possible to work with SQLite databases while still enabling the power and flexibility of raw SQL. SquiDB combines features of an ORM with object-oriented SQL statement builders to make it easy to read and write your data without a bunch of messy SQL strings. It also includes built in tools and hooks to help you easily write database migrations as well as implement ContentProviders