Useful library for showing list in sliding mode or carousel mode.
Implementation of List Item from Material Design guidelines.
This library allows you to create a list of items that are pinned by a floating label (text or image) on the left of the list.
An Android library for double level section headers that sticks to the top of list.
Animated Expanding ListView provides a fancy animation on expanding or collapsing the content of a listview item.
FilterSelectorListView is useful for making multiple selection with see selection on the top of ListView
This is a very simple library for Android that allows you to stick an header to a ListView
and easily apply animation to it.
The StikkyHeader supports:
ListViewVariants provides special ways to handle ListViews, including PinnedHeaderListView in Lollipop's Contacts-app style.
recyclerview-stickyheaders is an Android library that makes it easy to integrate section headers in your RecyclerView.
It is a custom ListView with a header that displays pictures from an URL. It then adds a nice blur/parallax effect to the downloaded picture. It also provides the option of a sticky title. Here is a video of it in action.
An Android custom ListView and ScrollView with pull to zoom-in.
A ListView for Android that has iOS-like sections and section headers.
AStickyHeader is a simple library for adding Sticky Headers to ListView or GridView. Usage is very simple, it supports all kinds of Adapters.
A small android library for tagging views inside a ScrollView as "sticky" making them stick to the top of the scroll container until a new sticky view comes and takes it's place.
StickyListHeaders is an Android library that makes it easy to integrate section headers in your ListView. These section headers stick to the top like in the new People app of Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. This behavior is also found in lists with sections on iOS devices. This library can also be used without the sticky functionality if you just want section headers.
StickyGridHeaders is an Android library that provides a GridView that shows items in sections with headers. By default the section headers stick to the top like the People app in Android 4.x but this can be turned off. StickyGridHeaders also automatically sizes its rows to the largest item in the row.
Easy to use ListView with pinned sections for Android. Pinned section is a header view which sticks to the top of the list until at least one item of that section is visible.
The Letter-Section-List Library allows developers to easily include a letter section heading in alpha numeric sorted list views. Since this feature comes out of the box in ios clients this library is valuable in providing consistency across iOS and android applications.
Awesome Listview filter functionality in Android.