Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

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Facebook Styled Gallery Files picker. One or multiple files can be selected. Keeps track of selected files count exactly like Facebook. Selected folders are also shown. Media Store api is used to fetch the image files. So its backward compatible and only read permission is required. Both image Uris and ImagePaths can be retrieved

Feb 1, 2022

Unicorn File Picker is a library designed to package a powerful file selector for android.

You can:

  1. Start the file picker activity from any activity or fragment
  2. Select single or multiple files
  3. Use as a Directory Picker
  4. Filter out files you want to display
  5. Add custom theme or use default theme options (Light & Dracula)
  6. And much more which you have to try out for yourself
Jan 13, 2021

Android library written in Kotlin, but can be used in Java too. Built to handle a single or multiple Uri (paths) received through Intents.

When you retrieve a Uri through an intent, its path is defined in relation to the File Chooser used, which does not represent the actual path of the file, making it impossible to work with it. This library aims to retrieve the real path of any file in a simple way, and then it is possible to use it for its proper purpose.

Compatible with API version from 16.

Aug 4, 2020

This is a library for create a picker in your android application. You can pick a single or multiple file. Also you can pick folder with it.

Jul 5, 2020

Choose Files with this lightweight file chooser. Which provides many features for single selection multiple selection.

Mar 13, 2020

An Android library that returns real paths from Uri's.

Oct 1, 2019

An Android Library to select files/directories from Device Storage.

May 14, 2019

An Android Library for end-developer to help pick the media file from android local storage.

Apr 26, 2019

A FilePicker library for Android for selecting different types of files such as images, audios, videos, documents and also to capture Images and Videos.

Jun 21, 2018

A lightweight file/folder chooser, chained calls style. no images, no layouts, starts dialog here right now.

Jun 5, 2018

File and folder picker dialog.

May 29, 2018

FileListerDialog helps you to list and pick file/directory for Android.

Jul 22, 2017

Android library to provide chooser for files in external storage.

Jun 24, 2017

A light-weight android library that can be quickly integrated into any app to let users choose folder, also files (but esp built for folders).

Jun 3, 2017

An easy file / folder picker dialog fragment which is easily to implement. Nothing special is required, you just need to add few lines of code!

May 27, 2017

A FileBrowser / FileChooser for Android that you can integrate to your app to browse/select files from internal/external storage.

Apr 23, 2017

Android - FilePickerFilter Library.

Mar 1, 2017

A pretty and simple storage/directory chooser library for 4.4+ devices. This library was created to be included in OpenGApps App. There are too many storage chooser out there but this one is too materially :stuckouttongue: . Easy to implement and does not take a lot of your valueable time in setting-up all the other necessary things that every developer seeks, like

  • saving path to sharedPreference
  • event when path is selected and act upon that path
  • and much more.
Feb 22, 2017

Android File Chooser is a simple and customizable file/directory chooser dialog which you can use in your apps to let your users select a file or directory based on your needs.

Oct 30, 2016

A photopicker to select and click photos and document picker to select different types of documents.

Aug 3, 2016

Android Library to select files/directories from Device Storage.


  • Easy to Implement.
  • No permissions required.
  • Files, Directory Selection.
  • Single or Multiple File selection.
Jul 19, 2016

Zero permissions file picker for Android.

May 30, 2016

Material file picker library for Android

Oct 27, 2015

A simple android library that lets user select a directory.

Apr 5, 2015

A file picker fragment for Android that can be embedded in your app.

Jan 5, 2015

Simple library that allows for picking of files and directories. This is a clean and simple way to allow your user to easily select a file. This library is inspired by Android L and the new Material Design guidelines adding to its sleekness and beauty.

Aug 9, 2014

Little library for choose file from SDCard in android 2.2+

Jul 5, 2014

A file/directory-picker for android. Implemented as a library project.

Jul 5, 2014

A simple directory chooser you can integrate into your Android app.

Jul 5, 2014

Android library which implements a simple and easy to use file chooser.

Jul 5, 2014