An example concept of MVVM and Kotlin. Display, Filter & Sort the given restaurants from assets with Jetpack Compose and AAC.
Android Application sample of how to implement Master/Detail pattern that follows Material Design visual language.
This repository showcases and compares different architectural patterns that can be used to build Android apps. The exact same sample app is built three times using the following approaches:
A demonstration of handling Activities and Fragments using Dagger dependency injection framework
The real benefit here is that you create an object graph only when you need it. This contributes to keeping the memory footprint of your app as low as possible.
Project created for autolearning with Material Design and Android good practices to develop a MVP (Model View Presenter) application using a mocked list of upcoming movies as the domain of the application.
MVP Android Example used to explain how to use this MVP pattern in Android apps.
Design pattern samples implemented in Java.