Customize your country text field for Jetpack Compose.
A highly customizable quantity stepper for android projects.
A material widget that enables the user to select a number from a predefined range. Progress value can be changed using the up and down arrows, click and edit the editable text or swiping up/down or left/right.
The project contains a customizable WheelPicker
which is light and flexible.
Android custom view that uses ruler for picking the number from given range. Highly customizable. Change width, height, color, distance between indicators. Change the color and size of the texts in the ruler in XML or dynamically from your java or Kotlin code.
The android library that provides a simple and customizable NumberPicker styled as meter.
Light Weight Library for Numeric input with fully customization interface.
A customizable number picker based on Material guidelines.
A custom circular rotating dial like picker for android.
Android Dial Picker, a circular custom view that works just like a rotating dial. DialView is highly customizable via xml or code. You can set direction(left,top,right,bottom), max/min ranges, interval values and colours. These custom attributes can be added and styled via XML as well as programatically.
As the dial rotates, the current value gets updated and is displayed on the screen.
This is a library for odometer in an android. Odometer mainly used for measuring distance.
A simple customizable NumberPicker
plugin for Android.
An user-friendly numerical input interface. It can easily be customized and is built to be used on Android-TV as well.
A customisable decimal and hexadecimal material picker view for Android.
Custom view to pick up a value from a given range using click button or swiping.
Another NumberPicker
view with flexible configuration.
The android library that provides a simple and customizable NumberPicker
Actual Number Picker is an Android custom-built View for choosing numbers. It's simple, elegant, fits in a small-height constraint box and it can be completely customized in XML. You can easily swipe it right and left, or click on arrow controls to increase/decrease the current value.
A customizable Android NumberPicker
that is inspired from the Material Design Guidelines.
circled-picker is an awesome, simple circular picker for Android. It can display value in four formats: hours, seconds, percentage and numeric, and it provides a basic set of parameters to customize.
This is an easy to use custom preference, which opens a dialog with a number picker. The value gets automatically saved and you can set the default-, min- and maxValue conveniently in the XML.
A backport of the Android 4.2 NumberPicker