A library to build a tournament bracket view. Allows view colour customisation and allows dynamic data population.
Worked with ViewPager2 and ViewPager
A smooth slider with a modern UI and effects based on ViewPager
Wrap Content View Pager Library For Android.
By using this, view pager will be automatically wrap it's height according to the current page.
Incredible Dots indicator to use it manually without viewpager, you can use it with swipe gestures, buttons, ...
Indicators is a micro framework for creating ViewPager
indicators. Instead of limited indicator implementations, it provides the means to create new indicator types without a big effort.
All views of Indicators are fully supported in any layout.
This library works well together with the Android Data Binding Library.
Step indicator with titles/labels and tons of customization.
An android library for creating amazing book and card flip animations in ViewPager in Android
You can easily show image list in dialog with this library. Image list contains url or drawable.
Smooth UI to display ViewPager Dots Indicators.
Android view pager indicator library for infinite pages.
IndicatorBinder is a library that provides the ability to attach indicators to ViewPagers, so that the user may see their current position within the ViewPager.
With IndicatorBinder, one simply uses one method to bind a ViewPager to a ViewGroup that will hold the indicators, and is therefore very easy to use and open to modification.
This indicator will underline each tab text, morphing its size while scrolling.
CoolViewPager is a custom ViewPager
, it contains these follow features:
A tiny library which improves UX with ViewPager. This library prioritizes ViewPager's horizontal swipe action over vertical scroll of inner pager contents.
Custom ViewPager that allows to block left or right swipe gestures defined in each selected page including a convenient custom adapter to update pages without recreating all fragment pages.
A lightweight, plug-and-play indefinite pager indicator for RecyclerViews & ViewPagers.
Easy implementation of custom tabs, when TabLayout do not fit your needs.
A ViewPager
and a PagerAdapter
that can:
Deck is a beautiful view pager animation, and it looks like a deck.
It is a library to make the background color of the view pager naturally move during the swipe.
PagerTabIndicator is a customisable android library that is designed to work with the ViewPager component.
An Android Parallax ViewPager.
The advantage of this library is that the UI components within the adapter view can be individually moved at different speeds.
A view pager indicator view to deal with a large amount of pages. Nice scale and transition animations are supported.