Android developer portal with tools, libraries, and apps

A library that let you implement ColorPickerView, ColorPickerDialog, ColorPickerPreference. Could get HSV color, RGB values, Html color code from your gallery pictures or custom images just by touching.

Feb 12, 2018
  • Gifex is an android library that loads gifs from a source into a gallery view chunk by chunk.

  • When Gifex's GifGalleryView is included in layout and passed a simple request containing the keyword, it will load gifs from the source (configurable) into the infinitely scrollable GifGalleryView.

  • Gifex fetches gifs in small chunks. Initially, small chunk of gifs are fetched and when user scrolls till end, it fetches the next chunk. Limit for a chunk can be configured and total no of gifs can also be configured.

  • A lot of other configurations are available ex: an optional search bar, cache limit for the gifs etc.

Dec 7, 2017

This library is inspired with the Album structure of the Android Gallery and has abstracted library to get the Albums Data structure for Photos, Videos or All based on the Clustering of Photos based on Album, time, location, Tag, Size, etc.

Dec 1, 2017

You can get colors from your gallery pictures or custom images just using touch with multi-selectors.

Oct 24, 2017

Android gallery & photo/video functionality simplified with RxJava2.

Sep 18, 2017

Multi photo picker is totally custom library. User can add multiple picture with same photo multiple time.

Multi photo picker has best sorting option for sort by name, date and size.

Multi photo picker display album list and photos gallery it is easy to add photos in list.

Jul 25, 2017

Combined both TedBottomPicker and Camera View, to get the View Similar to ImagePickers of Olx.

We can Pick Images From Gallery and Camera in two modes (Single, Multi), and pick multiple images from both Camera and Gallery.

Jul 17, 2017

You can easily pick images and files from any device storage.

May 6, 2017

Last images added or downloaded to the device. Like the functionality of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp.

Apr 16, 2017

A simple library for Android to get images from gallery or from camera.

Apr 15, 2017

A custom LayoutManager to build a Gallery or a ViewPager like RecyclerView that shows items in a center-locked and support both HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL scroll.And View Recycle Machine is also supported.

Mar 30, 2017

A small customizable library useful to handle an gallery image pick action built-in your app.

Jan 30, 2017

Android Library for custom views to control brightness , volume and seek through swipable gestures . These views could easily replace the conventional volume / brightness / seek controls that we have in music player ,video player or gallery apps.

Jan 21, 2017

Android 3rd party library to make implementing galleries more easier.

Jan 1, 2017

If you want to pick up a photo from the gallery and camera, store it somewhere then do something, this library will be the best choice for you. It will handle all the storing, scaling, rotating, threading, loading dialogs. Easy to start a photo intent, easy to get the result, you won't need to code a lot as what you used to do.

It also helps you to handle realtime permissions without any lines of code.

Dec 30, 2016

A library designated for selecting an image via gallery or camera, with cropping abilities, in an easy way.

Dec 3, 2016

ImagePicker is a library for picking image from the Android Gallery or technically from MediaStore.Image.Media without the hassle.

Goal of this project is to make an image picker that configureable and extendable.

Nov 6, 2016

Shows a DialogFragment with Camera or Gallery options. The user can choose from where provider wants to pick an image.

Nov 5, 2016

Fast and efficient selector of albums with low memory usage.

Sep 25, 2016

Have you ever faced the need of build a gallery for your users to pick a image? or to take a new photo to use it as avatar? GalleryModule is just that in one library. The user will be prompted to pick one or multiple images from the device and also take new photos or videos.

Sep 21, 2016