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Android library of a pair of auto-scroll circular parallax ListViews like the ones on the expedia app home page.

Aug 8, 2014

AndroidGestureRecognizer is an Android implementation of the Apple's UIGestureRecognizer framework.

For more info about the ui gesture recognizers look this WWDC video

From Apple API reference:

UIGestureRecognizer is an abstract base class for concrete gesture-recognizer classes. A gesture-recognizer object—or, simply, a gesture recognizer—decouples the logic for recognizing a gesture and acting on that recognition. When one of these objects recognizes a common gesture or, in some cases, a change in the gesture, it sends an action message to each designated target object.

Nov 25, 2016

A Photo Editor library with simple, easy support for image editing using paints, text, emoji and Sticker like stories.

Feb 5, 2018